From Bigoted Protest to Eminent Domain

Design concept for the Cardoba “Mosque”

Carl Paladino, developer, attorney, CEO of the Ellicott Development Company, and tea party activist is running for governor of New York and has pledged:

“As governor I will use the power of eminent domain to stop this mosque and make the site a war memorial instead of a monument to those who attacked our country.”

Of course this plan to circumvent the laws of private property flies right in the face of what conservatives supposedly hold dear. Susette Kelo was given the 2006 Ronald Reagan award by CPAC for her role in fighting eminent domain in Kelo v. New London, when she was threatened with eviction by eminent domain so that her property could be turned over to developers.

And that eminent domain stuff wasn’t just some off the cuff remark. No, it’s his TV ad. By the way, the same “conservative values” let’s-protect-marriage-from-the-gays preacher kept his extramarital love child a secret from his family for 10 years. Nice guy I’m sure.

Bill Keller, a Florida pastor, Birther infomercial host, and son of the former CEO to Chevron, said that even though he’s never been to New York, he’s proposing a $1 million project next door that he dubs “the 9/11 Christian Center at Ground Zero.” In describing the project, which he said should be up by the first of January 2011, Keller said that, “This is not to be confrontational with the Muslims, it really isn’t.” When asked about the center’s website, which calls Islam a “false religion” whose 1 billion adherents “are going to Hell,” Keller said it was not intended as confrontation but rather “telling the truth.”

In order to stop the “Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to destroy our civilization,” Newt Gingrich suggested that, were he president, he would “declare the area around the World Trade Center a national military battlefield because that was a battle and it part of a real war.” Oh yeah, and Gingrich also said of the Axis of Evil: “We’re one out of three.”

It was bad enough when these demagogues wanted to block them with a cynical attempt at declaring the Burlington Coat Factory a historical landmark (and then accuse the Commission of political bias), now they just come out and say, “Vote for me and I’ll steal the private property of a random cleric of a religion you don’t like and replace their community center with a monument to how awesome our two perpetual wars are.”

What does it tell Muslims who are now watching this debate? It tells them that Osama Bin Laden is right: that the War on Terror is just a euphemism for a war on Islam, not Islamic terror, not violent Islamic sectarians, but Islam in general. That’s telling the Arab community in New York: “Remember the fear and anger you felt when the twin towers fell and your neighborhood got blanketed in toxic dust? Well, that was nothing compared to the fear and anger felt by the Christians — the real Americans — who were watching those attacks on television. In fact, that was not an attack by terrorists against you, that was an attack by you against us.”

There’s another 40-year-old pre-WTC mosque sitting just four blocks away from Ground Zero. Why not complete the circle and just force this mosque to move out, break their windows, and spray paint slogans equating Islam with fascism without realizing that you’re basically parroting part what the SS did to the Jews?

Backers of the “Ground Zero Mosque” that isn’t really at Ground Zero and isn’t really just a mosque (it includes a gym and a swimming pool) pledged to incorporate a memorial to 9/11 victims and possibly an interfaith chapel, but that’s a ridiculous gesture because it assumes that the people doing the complaining want to reach a compromise. What they want is more festering wounds so they can howl and rage until a Republican is in office again.

As for those calling them to just move it a few blocks away, Jon Stewart points out this isn’t the only place where Islamic cultural centers and mosques are being picketed. Even if they found a place where people wouldn’t have a problem, certainly they would lose tons of money and time, and for what, to placate the irrational proposition that Muslims shouldn’t pray in their own pre-WTC community?

If no mosque should be built within two blocks of Ground Zero, does that mean no church should be built within two blocks of anywhere America has bombed?

The Anti-Defamation league sadly posted a mixed message condemning the bigotry involved in the controversy while also complaining that building the Islamic Center “in the shadow of the World Trade Center will cause some victims some pain — unnecesarily — and that is not right.” Paul Krugman poignantly remarks: “It causes some people pain to see Jews operating small businesses in non-Jewish neighborhoods; it causes some people pain to see Jews writing for national publications (as I learn from my mailbox most weeks); it causes some people pain to see Jews on the Supreme Court. So would ADL agree that we should ban Jews from these activities, so as to spare these people pain? No? What’s the difference?”

The Philadelphia-based Shalom Center are among the leaders vocally opposing the Anti-Defamation League. Imam Feisal Abdul-Rauf’s wife Daisy Khan said: “Your support is a reflection of the great history of mutual cooperation and understanding that Jewish and Muslim civilizations have shared in the past, and remains a testament to the enduring success of our continuing dialogue and dedication to upholding religious freedom, tolerance and cooperation among us all as Americans.”

Fox News is trying to paint the Sufi leader of the Community Center as a radical because he refuses to call HAMAS a terrorist organization. The accusation is certainly in line with the Republican strategy of goading Jewish American voters to abandon Democratic politicians for their perceived lack of devotion to Israel. But the reason for this is because the Sufi imam sees his role as trying to bridge Muslim and American communities together and calling the Democratically-elected Palestinian government group would not be helpful in that respect. It’s sort of like how in the Synoptic gospels the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus between cultural perceptions by asking if Roman taxes were legitimate. The imam’s philosophy is actually very Unitarian and he believes that American democracy is an embodiment of Islam’s ideal society.

Don’t expect the “liberal media” to fight too hard about it. CNN just recently fired their Senior Middle East News Editor, Octavia Nasr, for tweeting a lament for the death of the mainstream Shi’ite cleric Sayyed Mohammed Hussein, who was the religious guide for our ally, Iraq’s Dawa Party. The Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki even took the very unusual step of leaving Iraq to attend Fadlallah’s funeral.

Most of the mainstream media seemed more interested in the fact that Palin mispronounced another word, and then tried to compare herself to Shakespeare in response to the media circus. This led to a very entertaining Twitter meme, #ShakesPalin, in which participants revamped classic Shakespeare quotes, Palin-style. The funniest entry came from The Cato Institute’s Julian Sanchez: “To suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous liberals, or to quit halfterm, and by opposing, rake in speaking fees.”

Bryan at YouAreDumb.Net did a much better job of defending it:

Also, can we get the fuck over 9/11 already? It’s nine years later. The number of people who should have strong passions and keen sensibilities at this point is small enough that they shouldn’t be granted carte blanche to run roughshod over the lives of the hundreds of millions of us who have moved on. You don’t hear the Pearl Harbor Families and Newt Fucking Gingrich raising a ruckus every time someone opens a sushi restaurant near Pearl Harbor.

Hell, it’s not even all the families who are feeling anguish over 9/11 that are in play here. There are a few, sure, but they’ve been shamelessly co-opted by Newt and Sarah and Fox and everyone else who thinks it’s excellent for the 2010 elections if they can demonize some brown people that are outside Arizona for a change. And that demonizing has become so prevalent that not only are hardly any Democrats willing to go to bat for the Cordoba House (site of the proposed community center), but it’s given Joystick Joe cover to throw a little of his patented gentle Arab-hate into the mix.

“Well, I guess I’d say I’m troubled by it. But I don’t know enough to say it ought to be prohibited. But frankly I’ve heard enough about it, and read enough about it, that I wish someone in New York would just put the brakes on it for a while and take a look at this.” – Joe Lieberman.

So you don’t know enough to say it ought to be prohibited, but you’ve heard enough to wish that New York had prohibited it. Makes sense to me. Or at least as much sense as condemning the bigotry of people opposing the community center then blaming the community center for inciting it.

And in case there was any doubt in your mind that the right was just using this bullshit to position themselves for future political runs, Tim Pawlenty weighed in on it. Tim Pawlenty. Barely even governor anymore of a state so geographically and culturally distant from NYC that we wonder why delis put sesame seeds on donuts. And Timmeh was his usual loquacious self.

“I’m strongly opposed to the idea of putting a mosque anywhere near ground zero — I think it’s inappropriate. I believe that 3,000 of our fellow innocent citizens were killed in that area, and some ways from a patriotic standpoint, it’s hallowed ground, it’s sacred ground, and we should respect that. We shouldn’t have images or activities that degrade or disrespect that in any way.” – Timmeh, delicately fluffing the cock of wingnut site RealClearPolitics.

It must be pretty hallowed ground. That’s why they haven’t actually built anything there. But how far does hallowed ground extend? Do we kick the existing mosque near Ground Zero out? Who gets to decide what images or activities degrade or disrespect our patriotic hallowed ground? Tim Pawlenty? He’s running for President, which is about as disrespectful to America as you can get.

So the Republicans are picking on a minority to score political points, the Democrats are unwilling to spend the political capital to defend the minority because they don’t want to lose the votes of fiscally liberal bigots, and the media keeps it all going for the sake of ratings. Business as usual, in other words.

Actually, in reference to Bryan’s remark about “a sushi restaurant near Pearl Harbor”, there actually is a Shinto shrine right around the bend from Pearl Harbor.

Before its destruction in 2001, the World Trade Center featured a prayer space, where hundreds of Muslims would gather every Friday to practice their faith. The number of Muslims who died during the 9/11 attack is estimated as being between 28 and 75. We shouldn’t let Osama Bin Laden prove that he was right when he said: “The West is incapable of recognizing the rights of others. It will not be able to respect others’ beliefs or feelings. The West still believes in ethnic supremacy and looks down on other nations. They categorize human beings into white masters and colored slaves.”

Obama’s Death Panel

“The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.” -Sarah Palin, referring to the discretionary option to speak to a representative about a living will in a completely unresolved, hypothetical health bill

I would welcome a government-run “death panel” to our current system. What they are worried about is hospitals putting a price on life based on how much you are worth to society, which seems a lot better than our current system of putting a price on life based on how much money you have. Even fascist dystopias didn’t have doctors overprescribing downers and performing unnecessary surgeries on rich people. I once knew a woman who claimed to have been denied an organ for being rude to the administrator. I think if it came to basing life or death on my resume or my congeniality, I’d probably pick the former.

“People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless.” – Investors Business Daily, in an editorial.

Investors Business Daily has corrected its editorial, removing all mention of Stephen Hawking. And Hawking himself has responded, telling the UK’s Guardian:

“I wouldn’t be here today if it were not for the NHS. I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived.”

Terrorists and Secessionists

“The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government.”

“My government is my worst enemy. I’m going to fight them with any means at hand.”

Sound like Rev. Wright? Bill Ayers? Try Joe Vogler, the founder of the Alaskan Separatist Party that Todd Palin was a member of for 6 to 7 years. The AIP founder made the comment in 1991, in an interview that’s now housed at the Oral History Program in the Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Two years later, Vogler was scheduled to denounce America as a tyranny before the U.N. His sponsors? The Islamic Republic of Iran. But before he took the world stage, he was killed by a fellow seccessionist. Here’s another quote from Vogler:

“And I won’t be buried under their damn flag… I’ll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home.”

Vogler advocated renouncing allegiance to the United States. In the course of denouncing Federal regulation over land, he said:

“And then you get mad. And you say, the hell with them. And you renounce allegiance, and you pledge your efforts, your effects, your honor, your life to Alaska.”

This is the same group Sarah Palin recorded an address for the convention, saying “Keep up the good work”, and now she’s complaining about Obama “palling around” with Ayers. By “palling around”, she of course means being a part of a mainstream (not “radical” as falsely stated by a McCain ad) education committee supported by a Republican governor, with local civil leaders on the board, which included Ayers as well as a former Nixon administration official who has contributed to McCain’s campaign.

Let’s compare these to the infamous Rev. Wright quotes:

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people,” he said in a 2003 sermon. “God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”

In addition to damning America, he told his congregation on the Sunday after Sept. 11, 2001 that the United States had brought on al Qaeda’s attacks because of its own terrorism.

“We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye,” Rev. Wright said in a sermon on Sept. 16, 2001.

“We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America’s chickens are coming home to roost,” he told his congregation.

Well, John Kerry’s 1989 Committe report concluded that members of the U.S. State Department “provided support for the Contras were involved in drug trafficking… and elements of the Contras themselves knowingly received financial and material assistance from drug traffickers.” And I’ve heard the conservative mantra of “…then build bigger prisons.”

Wright accuses people who say “God Bless America” as worshipping country over God. I’ve been told this is unchristian. I find it to be uniquely Christian. Before Constantine fuzed Orthodox Christianity into the Eastern Roman Empire, Christians were unique among their fellow Jews and Romans in refusing to ally themselves with either the authorities of Rome or Judea. Most religious people today make the mistake of combining the two and kids are even forced in our schools to “pray” to the idol of Lady Liberty with their hands over our hearts in the droning chant typical of brainwashing. Vogler though, along with those who follow him, only wish to replace the American flag with the Alaskan one, even if it means getting founding from Iran to denounce America as a tyrany before the U.N. Considering the historic injustice perpetuated on African Americans, it’s no surprise to me that there are “black separatist” groups. But the idea that Palin’s husband wants Alaska to separate when his wife is taking in all these huge Federal earmarks is ridiculous.

The references to Hiroshima, Palestinians, and South Africa will no doubt piss off conseravtives, but I find these controversies far more open to interpretation than most of the stuff I read from the conservative Human Events newsletter. He’s obviously a conspiracy theorist. But unlike the author of the bestselling book “Obama Nation,” who thinks the Bush Administration caused 9/11, at least Wright is fighting against the side he believes to be perpetrating mass injustice on the population.

Anyone who watched or read Obama’s speech about “A More Perfect Union” knows that he has a completely different worldview than Wright:

“On one end of the spectrum, we’ve heard the implication that my candidacy is somehow an exercise in affirmative action; that it’s based solely on the desire of wide-eyed liberals to purchase racial reconciliation on the cheap. On the other end, we’ve heard my former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, use incendiary language to express views that have the potential not only to widen the racial divide, but views that denigrate both the greatness and the goodness of our nation; that rightly offend white and black alike.

“I have already condemned, in unequivocal terms, the statements of Reverend Wright that have caused such controversy. For some, nagging questions remain. Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely – just as I’m sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.”

“But the remarks that have caused this recent firestorm weren’t simply controversial. They weren’t simply a religious leader’s effort to speak out against perceived injustice. Instead, they expressed a profoundly distorted view of this country – a view that sees white racism as endemic, and that elevates what is wrong with America above all that we know is right with America; a view that sees the conflicts in the Middle East as rooted primarily in the actions of stalwart allies like Israel, instead of emanating from the perverse and hateful ideologies of radical Islam.”


“But the truth is, that isn’t all that I know of the man. The man I met more than twenty years ago is a man who helped introduce me to my Christian faith, a man who spoke to me about our obligations to love one another; to care for the sick and lift up the poor. He is a man who served his country as a U.S. Marine; who has studied and lectured at some of the finest universities and seminaries in the country, and who for over thirty years led a church that serves the community by doing God’s work here on Earth – by housing the homeless, ministering to the needy, providing day care services and scholarships and prison ministries, and reaching out to those suffering from HIV/AIDS.”

Do you think the AIP does charity work? Somehow I doubt it. Here’s the full speech:

Maybe this seems to be too far a reach since this is the Vice President’s husband, not the President. But the problem with this objection is McCain could die while in office. If McCain croaks, Palin will be president, and there is a good chance that Todd could become the “shadow president”, just as some have referred to him as the “shadow governor”. The latest ethics panel that found Sarah Palin violated ethics laws and abused her power as governor also pointed out that Todd was heavily involved. An article from says:

>According to those close to the administration, he attending meetings, sat in on interviews, made phone calls to lawmakers to express his support for his wife’s issues and was copied in on staff e-mails.

>He has been referred to as the “shadow governor” and The New York Times reported that his constant involvement in state business prompted some of the staff in the governor’s office to begin asking, “What would Todd do?” when faced with decisions that would affect his wife’s agenda.

This is not something from the distant past either. Max Blumenthal writes:

“Extremists Mark Chryson and Steve Stoll helped launch Palin’s political career in Alaska, and in return had influence over policy. “Her door was open,” says Chryson — and still is.”

“Palin backed [former Alaska Independence party chairman, Mark] Chryson as he successfully advanced a host of anti-tax, pro-gun initiatives, including one that altered the state Constitution’s language to better facilitate the formation of anti-government militias. She joined in their vendetta against several local officials they disliked, and listened to their advice about hiring. She attempted to name Stoll, a John Birch Society activist known in the Mat-Su Valley as “Black Helicopter Steve,” to an empty Wasilla City Council seat. “Every time I showed up her door was open,” said Chryson. “And that policy continued when she became governor.” …

Chryson further streamlined the AIP’s platform by softening its secessionist language. Instead of calling for immediate separation from the Uni ted States, the platform now demands a vote on independence. Yet Chryson maintains that his party remains committed to full independence. “The Alaskan Independence Party has got links to almost every independence-minded movement in the world,” Chryson exclaimed. “And Alaska is not the only place that’s about separation. There’s at least 30 different states that are talking about some type of separation from the United States.”

Even Christopher Buckley, son of William F. Buckley and author of “Thank You for Smoking”, has written an article denouncing Palin and arguing for the “conservative case for Obama”.

Global Warming Links

Climate Change Fight “Can’t Wait”

Climate Change is Not a Consensus of Opinion

Antarctic Ice Shows Earth Carbon Dioxide at an 800,000-Year High

How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic

List of Scientific Organizations That Accept Man-Made Global Warming

Climate Change: A Guide for the Perplexed

Climate Change Questions Answered

Climate Change FAQs

Climate Change Timeline

Guide to Fact and Fiction About Climate Change

Climate Change Outline of Topic

IPCC Drafting Process

IPCC Summary for Policy Makers

IPCC 2007 Reports

IPCC Predicts Climate Change Disaster If Action Not Taken By 2012

NASA on Global Warming

NASA Says Climate Change Approaching “Tipping Point”

NASA Study Finds World Warmth Edging Ancient Levels

NASA Head Looks Back on 20 Years of Climate Change Denial

NASA Describes How Lost Arctic Ice Causes a Warming Feedback Loop

REPORT: First Identification of Model-Predicted “Fingerprint” of Tropopause Height Changes

REPORT: New Detection Studies Show Anthropogenic Climate Change is Detectable

Detection and Attribution of Climate Change

Ice Cores Reveal Greenhouse Gases at an 800,000-Year-High

Royal United Services Institute Warns Global Warming May Cause World Wars

North Pole “Melting Faster Than Ever”

North Pole Will Be Ice Free In 5 Years Instead of 60

Antarctica is Losing Ice to Oceans

Rate of Greenland Ice Melting Increased 250% Between 2004 and 2006

Drought Has Doubled in Past 30 Years

Fresh Water Supplies Are Already Drying Up

Studies Warn Global Warming is Rapidly Raising Sea Levels

2006 Was 5th Warmest Year in Century

2004: The Year Global Warming Got Respect

Climate Researchers Feeling Heat From White House

Former Surgeon General Discusses Republican Adversity Towards Science

Scientists Offered Cash to Dispute Climate Study

List of 400 “Climate Skeptics” Includes the Unqualified and People Who Want Off the List

“Republicans have shown a marked preference for politically inspired fringe theories over the findings of long-established and world-renowned scientific bodies”

Mar. 2006: “The partisan gap on global warming seems to be shifting, according to the poll. In 1998, 31% of Republicans and independents alike were sure that global warming was happening, compared with 39% among Democrats. Today, 46% of Democrats and 45% of independents are certain, but only 26% of Republicans feel that way, according to the poll.”,8599,1176967,00.html

May 2008: “Only 49% of Republican now even believe that the earth is warming!”

“In the history of global climate research, the research budget in Lindzen’s native United States has been inflated twice — once during the presidency of the first President Bush and once during that of his son, George W. Bush. In both cases the injection of funding was preceded by a sentence uttered by the president: We know too little. If climate researchers wish to secure or expand their budgets, they shouldn’t be saying: We are 90 percent certain that the lion’s share of climate change is manmade. Instead, they should say: We know too little.”,1518,480766,00.html

The Cruel Off-Shore Drilling Hoax

Inaction on Climate Change Will HURT Our Economy

Energy Efficiency R&D Could Return 75-to-1 on Investment

Mammoth Dung and Prehistoric Goo May Speed Global Warming

Dirty Snow May Warm Arctic as Much as Greenhouse Gases

Animals Already Evolving to Keep Pace With Global Warming

Ancient Warming Caused Chain Reaction in Temperature Growth

Climate Change May Have Helped Bring Down Neandertals, Mammoths, and the Maya

Ten Reasons Why Climate Change May Be More Severe Than Projected

Standards of Proof for Global Warming

Sunspots at 50 Year Low

Journalistic Balance as Global Warming Bias

Global Warming or Climate Change?

Global Warming Disinformation Tries to Match “Lord Monckton” With Gore

Washed Up Viscount Manages to Publish Crackpot Theory on Non-Peer-Reviewed Newsletter

Lord Monckton Is In Ur Blog, Dising Ur Cred

Here’s an idea of how badly conservatives are scraping the bottom of the barrel in their attempts to get their propaganda passed off as legitimate science and legitimate “news.” Conservative circles became very excited about the American Physical Society apparently making an about face to their long-held stance supporting the science behind global warming. The story was pushed off by Drudge Report, Jonah Goldberg, and conservative blogs on — of all days — the same day Gore is giving a speech on the subject, using headlines like “Group Repping 50,000 Physicists Opens Global Warming Debate…” and “Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate”! The title of this “exploding” news story should actually read: “Washed-Up British Viscount Manages to Publish Crackpot Theory on Non-Peer-Reviewed Online Newsletter.”

The editor didn’t even bother to get a scientist. “Lord Monckton” has no degrees in the subject. He inherited his title from his dead father and was a former policy adviser to Margret Thatcher. The bogus news story has forced the association to put a disclaimer on both the header of the article and the front page of their website. The front page points out the newsletter is from the “APS Forum on Physics and Society, one of 39 units of APS.” Hardly something that represents all 50,000 members. The writings themselves are not new and have long been debunked as a “sleight-of-hand.” Quoting from the Sunday Times and the Times, Monckton’s science is “self-taught and his paper qualifications nonexistent” and “he is trying to take on the global scientific establishment on the strength of a classics degree from Cambridge.” One of the models used by Monckton was made up by himself, but another one comes from, a front end for Steve Milloy, a long time tobacco, drug, and oil industry lobbyist, which has published other ‘cuckoo science’ pieces over the years.

Cuckoo Science

If you recognize the name, that’s because Lord Monckton is the same guy that the Heartland Institute was using as their resident expert when they were trying to double dog dare Gore to get into a debate with him in that ludicrously-titled article “Gore Confronted by Own Scientists- ‘Confusion Between Hypothesis and Evidence’,” which was raked over the coals in one of the first posts I made on this blog. (Although only 5 short paragraphs long, I still somehow managed to elicit 5 pages worth of explainable errors with the article.) It kind of gives you an idea about how pathetically low conservative hacks are stooping that they aren’t even bothering to switch out the henchmen they use to fictionalize the news.

Here is a good article by a real scientist: