The Trump Presidency: Week One

Dr. Seuss drawing

Chaos at the airports. A ban on Muslims. Legal U.S. residents being denied entry. Scientists gagged. One mosque shot up and another one burned to the ground. The FBI and Russia working together to propagate fake news to turn an election (just as the Russians also invented “Climategate” with an illegal hack) even though they wanted to go to war with Russia when Obama was in office. Five top chairs, including the SEC, being filled with Goldman Sachs guys after Cruz and Hillary were accused of being controlled by them. Tax cuts and deregulation for Big Pharma after promising renegotiation of prices. Social Security is back on the chopping block after he promised to save it. His slimeball race-monger propagandist who admittedly follows “Satan” and “darkness” for “power”, yet calls on the “faith militant” to fight against the “children of barbarity”, is being put on the Security Council after talking about advancing the war in the Middle East last November. Giant federal land giveaway. The Mexican president cancelled his meeting with Trump set for next week after Trump attacked him on Twitter. The wall is supposedly going to be paid for by Americans through a 20% tariff on Mexican goods. The guy who was going to cut the entire department maintaining the nukes but couldn’t remember it on his 3-point list is now in control of the nukes. A trillion dollar infrastructure plan that involves big business privatization when the Tea Party who elected him was about stopping any spending back when there was 10% employment. And we’re going to pay for that with a 20% cut on corporate taxes, because you know, Supply Side something something. And every Republican is now for all the things they used to be against because Trump is doing it.

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About Jeff Q

I live in New Orleans. I have a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in English Literature. My interests include ancient history, religion, mythology, philosophy, and fantasy/sci-fi. My Twitter handle is @Bahumuth.

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