The Time Reagan, the U.K. and Saudi Arabia Car-Bombed Beirut

Two days ago, the U.K. rolled out the red carpet for the Saudi Prince on the 33rd anniversary of the time Reagan, the Saudis and the U.K. planted 440 pounds of dynamite in a car bomb in Beirut, killing 80 and injuring 200 civilians, mostly women and children, but missing their intended target, Mohammed Fadlallah, who was often credited as the “spiritual mentor of Hezbollah” despite the fact that he criticized Iran’s clerical rule, supported women’s rights and insisted on dialogue with the West. Saudi Arabia is by far the largest perpetrator of Islamic Fundamentalism and terrorism and yet continues to be one of the most important allies of Israel, who continuously launches terror attacks on the lands surrounding them (over excuses like three people getting murdered in Jewish “settlements”), and the U.S., the country that world opinion consistently regards as the greatest threat to world peace. Funny how the world’s worst Islamic terrorists, Israeli state terrorists, and the Christian Fundamentalists who support the “War on Terrorism” and the Iraq War are all not-so-secretly friends with one another, so much so that the U.S. is currently fighting a much-protested war in Yemen for our friends the Saudis. It’s almost as if the people who say non-Muslims, non-Jews or non-Christians are the source of all evil decided to form a Legion of Doom to cynically scapegoat all the peacemakers of the world for their own crimes.

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About Jeff Q

I live in New Orleans. I have a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in English Literature. My interests include ancient history, religion, mythology, philosophy, and fantasy/sci-fi. My Twitter handle is @Bahumuth.

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