More “We’re All Going to Die” Links

For most people, the Scopes Monkey trial is a symbol of rigid Fundamentalism trying to take science out of the education process, but not to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. They are actually calling for the EPA to hold a “Scopes”-like hearing on the evidence climate change is manmade:

It’s funny that the same side that argues Global Warming is like a religion use their own highly-questionable interpretations of the Bible to make their points:

Here’s an article about how three benchmark glaciers used by geological surveys shows that a major meltdown is imminent:

Here’s some declassified spy satellites hidden by the Bush Administration showing retreating polar icecaps:

Here’s the latest in a series of studies that found glaciers melting faster than anyone predicted:

Here’s an article about how water melting from Antarctica could flood Washington D.C.:

Here’s an article about how hot climates can create sluggish economies:

“Recent war games and intelligence studies conclude that over the next 20 to 30 years, vulnerable regions, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and South and Southeast Asia, will face the prospect of food shortages, water crises and catastrophic flooding driven by climate change that could demand an American humanitarian relief or military response.”

Here’s the Top Ten Bogus Statements (BS) in the Climate Change Debate:

Here’s a funny Daily Show clip about the birthers:

Here’s an article about how Bush believed the Iraq War had been foretold in Revelation as the prophecy of ‘Gog and Magog’:

Andrew Sullivan on the Bailouts:

“It’s despotism when we lose, freedom when we win. We should have more confidence in the people and the country than this. We should also have more charity to our political opponents – who after all are contending with hideous problems bequeathed to them by … by … well suddenly we Republicans cannot seem to remember who preceded Barack Obama in office. To listen to us, you’d think that the bailouts and takeovers started on January 20, 2009, not the previous March. You’d never know that TARP was supported by almost every Republican commentator, including the editors of National Review. Or that Vice President Cheney argued urgently in favor of the rescue of the Detroit automakers. Or that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac enjoyed the backing of Republican as well as Democratic lawmakers.

One bad election converts us from ardent admirers of the American people to glum declinists who can see only a miserable moldering of a once great nation. I should have thought that conservative patriotism was made of stronger stuff.”

McCain Not Born in United States

This is pretty funny. McCain was born in a military hospital on the Panama Canal in U.S. jurisdiction! He had to be declared a “natural-born citizen” in 2008 in order to run for President! (The Senate did so unanimously.) After all this bitching and moaning about Obama not being a natural born citizen, and even assuming it’s true and Obama’s birth certificate and announcements of birth in 2 Hawaiian newspapers are all fake, he would still be just as legitimate as McCain. It doesn’t surprise me. It’s not like any of these people who are all of the sudden so concerned about the Constitution cared about it being broken by having Clinton being placed in a position she voted to raise the pay-grade for (but a lot of other people, both Democrat and Republican, did that, so I guess if you break the Constitution enough times, it doesn’t matter). I’m not saying McCain should have been barred from running, but it strikes home how hypocritical it is for the “Birther” movement to obsess over Obama not being born in the U.S. when the president they wanted was born in Panama. At least in Clinton’s case, the Constitution was barring someone based on their own actions and not on some inconsequential fate of history that really has nothing to do with the Presidential nominee himself.

New GOP Strategy: Dems are Too Pro-Business and Anti-Climate

“Republican staffers for the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works say Republicans should argue that Democrats are embracing “Wall Street traders,” “polluters” and “others in corporate America” who are “guilty of manipulating national climate policy to increase profits on the backs of consumers.” I really wish I could come up with an appropriate comment for this.

Now that health care has gotten so bad that even Big Business wants it reformed due to overinflated costs, the GOP is staying out of the health care debate. So who’s stepping up to fight it? The Swiftboaters of course! Led by none other than a former Hospital CEO who resigned due to fraud.

Alan Keyes calls on America to stop the “radical Communist” Obama before America “ceases to exist.” Funny terminology considering Obama opposed reparations his entire political career, including when he ran against Alan Keyes in 2004 at a time when Alan Keyes supported reparations.

Last Asshole Standing

Rush is calling out those Republicans who have sold out and have expressed hope that Obama does not fail the country in saving the economy. In doing so, he has dubbed himself the “Last Man Standing.” It’s fascinating to see how far gone the right-wing haters on the radio are losing their minds.