McCain Not Born in United States

This is pretty funny. McCain was born in a military hospital on the Panama Canal in U.S. jurisdiction! He had to be declared a “natural-born citizen” in 2008 in order to run for President! (The Senate did so unanimously.) After all this bitching and moaning about Obama not being a natural born citizen, and even assuming it’s true and Obama’s birth certificate and announcements of birth in 2 Hawaiian newspapers are all fake, he would still be just as legitimate as McCain. It doesn’t surprise me. It’s not like any of these people who are all of the sudden so concerned about the Constitution cared about it being broken by having Clinton being placed in a position she voted to raise the pay-grade for (but a lot of other people, both Democrat and Republican, did that, so I guess if you break the Constitution enough times, it doesn’t matter). I’m not saying McCain should have been barred from running, but it strikes home how hypocritical it is for the “Birther” movement to obsess over Obama not being born in the U.S. when the president they wanted was born in Panama. At least in Clinton’s case, the Constitution was barring someone based on their own actions and not on some inconsequential fate of history that really has nothing to do with the Presidential nominee himself.

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