…and win.
…and win.
This is unbelievable.
Seymour Hersh, who won a Pulitzer for exposing the Mai Lai Massacre coverup in Vietnam, recently wrote an article in the New Yorker in which he described how there was a meeting in the White House shortly after the overblown standoff with Iranian boats in early January. A former official at the meeting revealed that the subject was “how to create a casus belli between Tehran and Washington”. This was actually at the bottom of the article(!), and when Hersh was questioned about it, he mentioned that he had been told that he “really buried the lead in that story,” which is quite an understatement. When prodded for details, Hersh revealed that one of the ideas to start the war was to build four or five boats that looked like Iranian PT boats, put Navy SEALs on them with a lot of arms, and start a shootout between the “Iranian” ships and our own! The New Yorker wouldn’t let Hersh print these important facts, according to him, because the idea was ultimately rejected (as if it only would have mattered if the plan had been approved!!).
McCain Blames Obama for Oil Crisis
“McCain’s new ad accuses Obama of keeping gas prices high, all by himself.”
Ben Stein and Noel Shepherd Blame Media for Economic Problems
“I would make the case that it is media AND Democrats doing the whipping.”
Not Just Evolution, But Outdoor Arenas, Too Hitler-esque for Stein
“Seventy-five-thousand people at an outdoor sports palace, well, that’s something the Fuehrer would have done.”
Phil Gramm’s Sex Tapes and Enron Connections
“Phil Gramm attempted to invest $15,000 in “Truck Stop Women.” His money ultimately helped produce a film portraying Richard Nixon wandering nude around the White House.”
Robert Novak Runs Over Elderly Man, Keeps Driving; But Still Manages to Write This Report:
“This car is speeding away. What’s going through my mind is, you just can’t hit a pedestrian and drive away”
Here’s an idea of how badly conservatives are scraping the bottom of the barrel in their attempts to get their propaganda passed off as legitimate science and legitimate “news.” Conservative circles became very excited about the American Physical Society apparently making an about face to their long-held stance supporting the science behind global warming. The story was pushed off by Drudge Report, Jonah Goldberg, and conservative blogs on — of all days — the same day Gore is giving a speech on the subject, using headlines like “Group Repping 50,000 Physicists Opens Global Warming Debate…” and “Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate”! The title of this “exploding” news story should actually read: “Washed-Up British Viscount Manages to Publish Crackpot Theory on Non-Peer-Reviewed Online Newsletter.”
The editor didn’t even bother to get a scientist. “Lord Monckton” has no degrees in the subject. He inherited his title from his dead father and was a former policy adviser to Margret Thatcher. The bogus news story has forced the association to put a disclaimer on both the header of the article and the front page of their website. The front page points out the newsletter is from the “APS Forum on Physics and Society, one of 39 units of APS.” Hardly something that represents all 50,000 members. The writings themselves are not new and have long been debunked as a “sleight-of-hand.” Quoting from the Sunday Times and the Times, Monckton’s science is “self-taught and his paper qualifications nonexistent” and “he is trying to take on the global scientific establishment on the strength of a classics degree from Cambridge.” One of the models used by Monckton was made up by himself, but another one comes from, a front end for Steve Milloy, a long time tobacco, drug, and oil industry lobbyist, which has published other ‘cuckoo science’ pieces over the years.
If you recognize the name, that’s because Lord Monckton is the same guy that the Heartland Institute was using as their resident expert when they were trying to double dog dare Gore to get into a debate with him in that ludicrously-titled article “Gore Confronted by Own Scientists- ‘Confusion Between Hypothesis and Evidence’,” which was raked over the coals in one of the first posts I made on this blog. (Although only 5 short paragraphs long, I still somehow managed to elicit 5 pages worth of explainable errors with the article.) It kind of gives you an idea about how pathetically low conservative hacks are stooping that they aren’t even bothering to switch out the henchmen they use to fictionalize the news.
Here is a good article by a real scientist:
We had the second largest bank failure in U.S. history. Just wanted to make sure conservatives caught the reason why:
>Schumer said in a statement that the cause of IndyMac’s failure was “poor and loose lending practices” that should have been prevented by more active regulation.,0,6071779.story
Also, as FactCheck has pointed out, while the Republicans are spending money blaming Obama for not having an energy plan, Obama has proposed a $150 billion program on alternative energy.
>While McCain recently proposed The Lexington Project, which includes spending $2 billion annually toward clean coal technology advancement, McCain doesn’t have a plan comparable to Obama’s in scale of spending.
That is, if you believe there really is an energy crisis. Turns out, one of few economists that McCain actually does trust says the crisis is all in our heads and that we’re really just “a nation of whiners”: