Tea Party Hobbits

TEA PARTY HOBBITS: It is time to slay the Debt Dragon!

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: We have less than half our hit points! We’ll get annihilated!!

TEA PARTY HOBBITS: But we have to kill him NOW! He gets stronger every day!!

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: Maybe from eating, but not from healing. The Debt Dragon has been around for 600 years! We’d gain more hit points a day than him just resting for a while, especially since you’re too cheap to buy healing potions.

TEA PARTY HOBBITS: We can’t buy anything. We’re broke.

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: No, I’m broke. Greenspan the Green got tons of gold kicking all those dark elves out of their lairs in the Tower of CDO’s. We told Greenspan, “You’ve made plenty of money off these guys. Let’s Teleport back home,” but he said I was restricting your free movement, and you followed him, then boom, we get hit with an encounter we can’t run away from and wake up with half the cash gone. So why don’t you use some of Greenspan’s gold to buy some Potions of Healing for us?

GREENSPAN THE GREEN: I am a Potion Creator, not a Potion Buyer.

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: Not this again. This is what you always say. ‘Give me more money and I’ll create the potions myself.’ Then you go off and sell the rest of the potions to make money to magic items for yourself. How many times do you expect us to fall for that?

GREENSPAN THE GREEN: Potions will not help us. We should just rest until we heal.

GROVDO, THE TEA PARTY HOBBIT LEADER (grabs woman): We go and fight the debt dragon NOW, no potions, or she dies.

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: You know, we WERE fighting the debt dragon before you came along and said we were beating him too early. Then Greenspan led us to defeat at the Dotcom Cave and the Tower of CDO’s. Now you want us to go and fight the debt dragon for no other reason than you suspect Barack will get killed and you may survive.

GROVDO: You must be thinking of someone else. I did not join the party until after Barack defeated the Wizard Cheney and his chimpanzee familiar.

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: Different character. Same player.

BARACK THE BARBARIAN: Let her go and I’ll do what you say.

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: What?? He’s just a Hobbit. You could use one of your barbarian maneuvers to just grab her.

BARACK THE BARBARIAN: My advisers are not persuaded that is a winning maneuver.

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: What advisers? Didn’t most of them quit? And couldn’t you have made them promise not to do this while you were negotiating the spoil cuts just a little while ago?

BARACK THE BARBARIAN: I was sure that they would act responsibly.


GROVDO: We’re going! Now!! (Cuts the woman.)

MCCAIN-SMEAGOL: The idea seems to be that if he kills the hostage, a crisis in the party will ensue and the people will turn en masse against Barack, then he would have no choice but to fight the Debt Dragon, destroy the Ring of Spending, and the Tea Party Hobbits could return to Middle Earth having defeated Mordor.

MCCAIN-GOLLUM (changes personality): You Tea Party Hobbits! You can’t have our Precious!

TEA PARTY HOBBITS: Have it! We’re trying to destroy it!

BARACK THE BARBARIAN: You’re right, Tea Party Hobbits. The Debt Dragon is an important menace that we need to tackle right now…


BARACK THE BARBARIAN: But we must tackle it together, all of us at once if we are going to stand a chance!

GROVDO: Us? We’re destroying the Ring of Spending, not fighting the Debt Dragon. You are.

BARACK THE BARBARIAN: It is the only way we can take him down. I am willing to take considerable heat from my party to extend a hand to you and fight the Debt Dragon together… if you just provide a little auxiliary help from the side.

GROVDO: No, we’ve provided enough for the party as it is. As soon as you begin fighting the Debt Dragon, we will get a blessing from the Confidence Fairy and finally be safe from the Invisible Bond Market Vigilantes.

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: This is truly amazing. You heralded the Confidence Fairy every chance you got when Cheney led this party, but it’s never made an appearance. And it’s one thing to be intimidated by Bond Market Vigilantes. It’s another to be intimidated by the fear that Bond Market Vigilantes might show up one of these days.

GREENSPAN THE GREEN: I am in favor for the first time in my memory of having the Hobbits fight with us.

BARACK THE BARBARIAN (to the Hobbits): How about if I agree to fight the Debt Dragon without your help, and I give you everything you ask for, plus some things you didn’t ask for, will you at least let go of the hostage?

GREENSPAN THE GREEN: The fact that I am in favor of going back to the ways things were before Cheney is merely an indicator of how scared I am of this Debt Dragon that has emerged and its order of magnitude.

MCCAIN-GOLLUM: Take it! Take it!



KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: I think you’ve been emboldening them by the way you keep folding in the face of their threats. You surrendered on the spoil cuts; you surrendered when they threatened to break up the party; and now you’re surrendering on a grand scale to raw extortion over the hostage. Maybe it’s just me, but I see a pattern here.

(The Party Begins to Travel to the Debt Dragon, headed by the Grovdo and his companions: Bach-Sam, Perry, and Pip-Palin.)

MCCAIN-SMEAGOL: Don’t Ask Don’t Tell should be repealed following a study. The DREAM Act will provide a path to citizenship. Neither party should be defined by pandering to the outer reaches of American politics and the agents of intolerance, whether they be Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton on the left, or Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell on the right.

MCCAIN-GOLLUM: Don’t Ask Don’t Tell shouldn’t be repealed. No, I wouldn’t vote for my own DREAM Act bill. Rev. Falwell came to my office and said that he wanted to put our differences behind us. I was glad to do that. I never considered myself a Maverick.

GREENSPAN THE GREEN: This is going to be disastrous. We’re not going to be able to get away from the dragon until we take some serious damage.

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: You were the one who reincarnated Grovdo after Barack killed him in his battle against McCain-Gollum. Our soothsayers prophesized that his soul would be lost in the wilderness for 400 years, but you brought him back in only a year stronger than ever. You had him charmed to do your bidding, and now you lost control over your own monster. He’s convinced he was conceived in a virgin birth, but even he doesn’t know the truth about his own origin story, that he’s the long lost son of Ron Paul.

GROVDO: Once the Spending Ring is destroyed and the Debt Dragon is defeated, our party we be back on the road to being great again, just like it was back in the original D&D red box edition.

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: You look back and wax nostalgic about the “simpler time” in the Golden Age of the original system, but you purposely forget minority races had only one class back then, and the wizards you put in charge like Greenspan instead run Second Edition AD&D games where all the high level characters use kits and ridiculous math to take control of the whole game away while entry-level characters have to multi-class just to keep up. At least First Edition AD&D allowed different races to be anything they want.

GREENSPAN THE GREEN: But then Third Edition went to ridiculous lengths to balance things out and it still doesn’t work. The original D&D’s rule about experience being awarded according to the gold piece standard would be a good system to bring back.

(Frum the Bard, a former writer for Cheney’s familiar, walks up.)

FRUM THE BARD: The original D&D’s rule about experience being based on the gold piece system was not as great as you imagined since none of the dice had huge modifier bonuses attached to them and experience awards were extremely random.

(The Party reaches Mordor and splits up, with the Hobbits taking the Ring of Spending to the Volcano and the rest of the party facing up the Debt Dragon. As the Hobbits climb, the Ring bears down on them and they begin to fight among themselves.)

GROVDO (entering volcano): I will have to do this alone….

(Grovdo holds the Ring of Spending over the volcano.)

GROVDO: Wait, if I throw this ring into the volcano, I won’t have any power over the party any more. (Releases his hostage)

(Meanwhile, the party fights the debt dragon.)

Barack unleashes a flurry of cuts against the debt dragon (1,000,000,000,000 d), but a spell reverses the attacks and they instead strike Barack.

The Debt Dragon casts a Delayed Blast Fireball on him that will cause the same amount of damage once it explodes.

The Debt Dragon strikes Greenspan for 266 damage.

Greenspan casts a Minor Healing spell, gaining 30 hp.

The Debt Dragon breathes fire on Greenspan for 513 damage.

Greenspan casts a Minor Healing spell, gaining 61 hit points.

Greenspan then knocks Barack down, causing Barack to drop his Treasury Shield. Greenspan then drops his own weapon and runs over to take shelter behind the newly fallen Treasury Shield.

BARACK THE BARBARIAN: What the hell was that for?

GREENSPAN THE GREEN: It’s the Tea Party Hobbits’ fault for being so uncompromising!

(The Tea Party Hobbits and their leader arrive just as Greenspan says this.)

TEA PARTY HOBBITS: What was that?

BLITZER THE WEREWOLF: He said someone didn’t provide enough damage to the Debt Dragon.

GROVDO: That’s right. Barack got knocked down because he didn’t provide enough cuts! And obviously that Treasury Shield wasn’t doing enough.

BACH-SAM: Barack’s last adviser should resign! He said Greenspan would never turn against Barack!

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: Gpeenspan said he knocked Barack down because of you! But who cares what Greenspan thinks! It was his Poor Standards that convinced you climbing to the top of the Tower of CDO’s was worth the risk! And if the Treasury Shield wasn’t doing enough, why is he cowering behind it?

(Bach-Sam sees the Ring of Spending.)

BACH-SAM: Grovdo, don’t tell me you failed to destroy the Ring of Spending!

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: Don’t act so betrayed. You’ve used the Ring for your own family in the past and you agreed “in principal” to Paul Ryan’s plan to keep the Ring working for the benefit of you Hobbits for another 10 years.

FRUM THE BARD: Looking over these stats, we took a lot more damage from the Tower of CDO’s than we originally thought. When people tell me that I’ve changed my mind too much about too many things over the past four years, I can only point to the devastation wrought by this crisis and wonder: How closed must your thinking be if it isn’t affected by a disaster of such magnitude? And in fact, almost all of our thinking has been somehow affected: hence the drift of so many away from what used to be the mainstream market-oriented WASP-ington Consensus toward to Faustian demonics and Ron Paul style anti-magic item sharing. The ground they and I used to occupy stands increasingly empty. If I can’t follow where most of my friends have gone, it is because I keep hearing Susan Sontag’s question in my ears. Or rather, a revised and updated version of that question: “Imagine, if you will, someone who listened only to Greenspan these last 10 years, and someone who listened only to Krugman. Who would have been better informed about the realities of the current demonic crisis? The answer, I think, should give us pause. Can it be that our enemies were right?”

The Debt Dragon breathes fire on Greenspan for 635 damage.

Greenspan casts a Greater Healing spell, gaining 430 hit points.

The Debt Dragon breathes fire on Greenspan for 520 damage.

Greenspan casts three Greater Healing spells, for 423, 126, and 214 hit points (763 hp).

The Debt Dragon claws Greenspan for 77 damage.

Greenspan drinks a healing tonic, gaining 4 hit points.

The Debt Dragon breathes fire on Greenspan for 420 damage and then claws Greenspan for 173 damage (593 d).

(The dragon circles the party ready to unleash more attacks on the party.)

SULLIVAN THE BARD: We’ve been told again and again that the real motivation of the Tea Party Hobbits is a multi-partisan movement to bring the debt and rule-making under control. I’ve never believed this, partly because these people were never to be found under Cheney’s familiar. It was primarily a laundering device to disappear the Bush years, re-brand the party as a wholly different entity and thereby avoid the long wilderness that the catastrophes of the last decade might have led them into. Now we have some large data sets to review the reality. And the reality is that the Tea Party Hobbits are largely the Cleric right-wing of the party. They are overwhelmingly white, but even compared to other white right-wingers, they had a low regard for demi-humans long before Barack was leader, and they still do. Next to being a Greenspan follower, the strongest predictor of being a Tea Party Hobbit is to see religion play a prominent role in politics. They seek “deeply religious” elected officials, approve of religious leaders’ engaging in politics and want religion brought into political debates. The Tea Party Leader may say their overriding concern is a smaller rule-making, but not their rank and file, who are more concerned about putting the DM in the party. So Bach-Sam is not such a fluke, is she? Or a flake, for that matter.

FRUM THE BARD: It is a peculiarity of the current political moment that a politician with a history of pushing sectarian religious beliefs in rule-making has become a hero to a anti-magic item sharing movement. But is it so peculiar? The Tea Party is not exactly anti-magic item sharing – otherwise it would not so passionately defend medicine for old people. It’s a movement of relatively older and relatively affluent Hobbits whose expectations have been disrupted by the worst demonic crisis since the Great Cataclysm. They are looking for an explanation of the catastrophe – and a villain to blame. They are finding it in the same place that Bach-Sam and her co-religionists located it 30 years ago: a deeply hostile rule-maker controlled by alien and suspect forces, with Barack Obama as their leader and symbol.

BACH-SAM: And the Soviet Union!

KRUGMAN THE ROGUE: Looks like the dragon is coming down for another volley of attacks. Any last words?

GROVDO: This is all the fault of Barack’s leadership policies!

FRUM THE BARD: Question: Which policies? If so minded, you could describe Barack Obama as the biggest spoil cutter in history. You complain about excess spending. Fine. But isn’t the evil of excess spending supposed to be overshooting your maximum hit points rather than losing all of them?

PERRY: He spoke disrespectfully about Flying Carpet owners!

FRUM THE BARD: Really? That’s the indictment? Really?

Serious Problems

Steeve Doocey: “We’ve got some serious problems in this country, we are teetering on default and what do they do? They talk about [the Murdoch hacking scandal].”

Yeah, how can any real news agency report on a mafia don’s empire hacking into the phones and computers of a kidnapping victim, fallen soldiers, and advertising competitors — then bribing the highest levels of Scotland Yard to avoid criminal charges — when we’re teetering on a completely artificial crisis engineered by the same mafia-payrolled candidates who are blackmailing the majority population of the country into accepting a minority ideological position on the threat of destroying the country?

10 arrests and 2 whistleblower deaths so far, including the “suicide” of the first person to come forward over the hacks. Scotland Yard already says there’s “nothing suspicious.”

From the New York Times:

News America was led by Paul V. Carlucci, who, according to Forbes, used to show the sales staff the scene in “The Untouchables” in which Al Capone beats a man to death with a baseball bat. Mr. Emmel testified that Mr. Carlucci was clear about the guiding corporate philosophy.

According to Mr. Emmel’s testimony, Mr. Carlucci said that if there were employees uncomfortable with the company’s philosophy — “bed-wetting liberals in particular was the description he used” Mr. Emmel testified — then he could arrange to have those employees “outplaced from the company.”

Clearly, given the size of the payouts, along with the evidence and testimony in the lawsuits, the News Corporation must have known it had another rogue on its hands, one who needed to be dealt with. After all, Mr. Carlucci, who became chairman and chief executive of News America in 1997, had overseen a division that had drawn the scrutiny of government investigators and set off lawsuits that chipped away at the bottom line.

And while Mr. Murdoch might reasonably maintain that he did not have knowledge of the culture of permission created by Mr. Hinton and Ms. Brooks, by now he has 655 million reasons to know that Mr. Carlucci colored outside the lines.

So what became of him? Mr. Carlucci, as it happens, became the publisher of The New York Post in 2005 and continues to serve as head of News America, which doesn’t exactly square with Mr. Murdoch’s recently stated desire to “absolutely establish our integrity in the eyes of the public.”

The same right-wingers who think even the tiniest reduction in oil consumption would be the end of American life as we know it and many of the same right-wingers who (now) agree with the left that you need congressional approval for involvement in Libya do not believe you need you even need a congressional bill to cut off social security and medicare checks or cut the federal budget in half.

Oh, and Grover Norquist and the corn-state Republicans are calling Tom Coburn’s plan to repeal ethanol subsidies a tax hike. So even at the brink of collapse, “pro-market” Tea Partiers won’t give up their socialized earth rape.

The Debt Limit: The New ‘Obama Czars’

Bill Wilson writes in the National Examiner:

>Left-wing pundits and their cronies in Congress delivered a well-timed second punch to the Obama news conference on the continuing fight over an increase in the U.S. debt limit today. While Obama tried to show he was “involved” in the negotiations, his henchmen announced that it might not matter; that Congress really had no saying in the debt limit. The thrust of their argument is that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution requires the President to do whatever he wants in order to ensure, “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law … shall not be questioned.”

The Constitution? Just because we paste the Constitution on everything, wear revolutionary hats, and can’t shut up about the Constitution doesn’t mean we actually care what it says.

>Overlooking the entire context of the section of the Amendment – ensuring debts incurred to battle the Confederacy were honored and barring the government or any state from assuming the debts of the rebel government

Yeah, keep it in context. Just because they ammended the Constitution doesn’t mean they thought people would still be following it after a couple of years. And only a liberal would interpret “public debt” to mean military and non-military debt. But when the Constitution says: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” THAT’S different. That means all firearms, explosives, grenade launchers, bazookas, and portable nuclear devices should never be banned or even regulated, regardless of whether there’s a war or even a “well regulated Militia.”

>the apologists for the Administration assert that it is a universal mandate.

Yeah, who ever said the Constitution is a universal mandate?

>From this they claim the President has the power to ignore Congress and issue as much new debt as he deems appropriate.

Bush issued debt for the entire Iraq War without congressional approval but Obama has to get congress to okay the money he spends saving the economy not once but twice. Hey, Democrats didn’t want the Iraq War to happen. If you get to blow off the debt just because you lost the 2008 election, does that mean we can blow off paying the $3 trillion for the Iraq War?

>Were Congress to truly represent the People who by large margins oppose an increase in the debt limit

Bullshit as usual. It’s not even a Republican majority, which is saying a lot for a group of authoritarians so retarded that polls show they overwhelmingly believe ACORN will steal the 2012 election despite being non-existent and that Fannie and Freddie caused a banking crisis in nations they weren’t even in because Fox News said so. A Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that 55 percent of Democrats and half of Republicans and independents support a debt-limit deal that includes a steep reduction in the size of government. But 37 percent of Republicans, a third of independents and nearly a fifth of Democrats say they are against raising the debt limit, under any circumstances. That so many Democrats are against raising the debt limit makes me wonder if people taking the poll even know that this is for raising the limit for money that is already spent. It’s basically like someone deciding to take money out of the bank because he doesn’t agree with the check his wife already wrote.

>What the Administration could not do is incur new debt, additional debt. They could not spend trillions of dollars more than they take in. An instant balanced budget would result

Republicans have been using this “Starve the Beast” bullshit for 30 years, and it’s never worked once, and Republicans still believe it.

>There is enough money for that. Everything else would then become a political decision. Does he pay Social Security claims and deny our armed forces their pay? Does he play the time honored game of past hucksters and charlatans by looking to blocki funding with the aim of hurting the public in order to get the legislative branch to give in? Or, is there a statesman inside that otherwise apparent empty suit?

What part of this paragraph am I supposed to like? Tax cuts for billionaires who blew up the world are mandatory, but forcing Obama to choose between paying people their rightfully earned SS or cutting funding for the troops is a humorous game. He sounds like a fucking psycho.

>Obama could shut down all the wasteful and needless departments and agencies of the government – HUD, Commerce, Labor, etc.

“First by inflation, then by deflation…”

>The list of things Obama could do is near endless, things that would save money so he could meet the constitutional mandate of the 14th Amendment while pairing back the monstrous federal government.

Yes, the list is endless. Never mind the fact that it would mean either Social Security and Medicare would immediately have to be cut by a third or everything else would have to be cut in half. Obama will have to go through 80 million bills and figure out which ones to pay. Factcheck says: “The path urged by Bachmann and DeMint has little support among budget experts and economists. ‘The notion of paying interest first is dumb,’ said Rudolph Penner, a Republican former CBO director who is now with the liberal-leaning Urban Institute.”

Although it’s true that Obama was against raising the debt limit when Bush was president, what typically goes unsaid is that every politican in the party out of power has been “hypocritical” in using the debt to push their side’s agenda, but every year a deal was made early on which is why we never heard about it. There was a time when the debt limit vote was taken away by Democrats to stop this political hostage taking, but it was the Republicans who brought it back. The debt limit was raised 7 times during Bush without anyone knowing about it, but now that it’s on the news, even a lot of Democrats are acting like this is something new that needs to be dealt with now. It reminds me of Obama’s all new dreaded czars that needs the be dealt with now now now when FDR had 11 czars 80 years ago and it was Bush who tripled the number of czars. I have a hard time understanding how 50 year olds didn’t know we had czars before Obama when I can remember Reagan’s drug czar from when I was 8, and I wasn’t exactly interested in news back then.

One wonders why Republicans don’t demand these things when they are in power. Maybe because we’re “broke.” But if we’re “broke,” and Europe is “broke,” and the world is “broke,” where did all the money go? Our shared historical conception of the Depression is that everyone is broke leaves out the crucial other half of the equation, that the richest people always profit when the market contracts like this: they are the recipients of all the money that contemporary society perceives as “disappearing into thin air.” This is still different from the conservative alternate history that the stock market crash had little to do with the Depression and that FDR got all the credit for pulling us out from Hitler starting WWII.

Obama has now put cuts to Social Security and Medicare cuts on the table to lure Republicans back to the table, but so far they’re refusing even this.

Krugman wries:

“So the goal may be to paint the G.O.P. into a corner, making Republicans look like intransigent extremists — which they are.

But let’s be frank. It’s getting harder and harder to trust Mr. Obama’s motives in the budget fight, given the way his economic rhetoric has veered to the right. In fact, if all you did was listen to his speeches, you might conclude that he basically shares the G.O.P.’s diagnosis of what ails our economy and what should be done to fix it…..

People have asked me why the president’s economic advisers aren’t telling him not to believe in the confidence fairy — that is, not to believe the assertion, popular on the right but overwhelmingly refuted by the evidence, that slashing spending in the face of a depressed economy will magically create jobs. My answer is, what economic advisers? Almost all the high-profile economists who joined the Obama administration early on have either left or are leaving.

Nor have they been replaced. As The Wall Street Journal recently noted, there are a “stunning” number of vacancies in important economic posts. So who’s defining the administration’s economic views?….

Mr. Obama’s people will no doubt argue that their fellow party members should trust him, that whatever deal emerges was the best he could get. But it’s hard to see why a president who has gone out of his way to echo Republican rhetoric and endorse false conservative views deserves that kind of trust.”

“Because failure to raise the debt ceiling would be so nasty, that very possibility could cause serious economic damage even if the odds of an actual default never approach 50%.”
–The Economist

“Top economist: Raise the debt ceiling or blow the recovery ‘out of the water'”

“The chance of Congress not increasing the debt limit, however, is next to none.”

“It would be a disaster if we defaulted on our debt. It would be a disaster if we were hit by an asteroid. I think being hit by an asteroid is a more likely scenario,”
— J.D. Foster, an expert on fiscal policy with the conservative Heritage Foundation.

First By Inflation, Then By Deflation

“If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.”
–Exodus 22:25

“At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts.”
–Deuteronomy 15:1

“If he has exacted usury or taken increase— Shall he then live? He shall not live! If he has done any of these abominations, He shall surely die; His blood shall be upon him.”
–Ezekiel 18:13

“If you have money, do not lend it at interest, but give to one for whom you will not get it back.”
–Thomas 95

“If you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much in gain.”
–Luke 6:34

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
–Mark 10:25

“The system of banking we have both equally and ever reprobated. I contemplate it as a blot left in all our constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction, which is already hit by the gamblers in corruption, and is sweeping away in its progress the fortunes and morals of our citizens. Funding I consider as limited, rightfully, to a redemption of the debt within the lives of a majority of the generation contracting it; every generation coming equally, by the laws of the Creator of the world, to the free possession of the earth he made for their subsistence, unincumbered by their predecessors, who, like them, were but tenants for life.”
–Thomas Jefferson

“Banks have done more injury to the religion, morality, tranquility, prosperity, and even wealth of the nation than they can have done or ever will do good.”
–John Adams

“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance.”
–James Madison

“The bold effort the present [Second National] bank had made to control government, the distress it has wantonly produced… are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.”
–Andrew Jackson

“I killed the bank.”
–Andrew Jackson when asked about his greatest accomplishment

“People who will not turn a shovelful of dirt nor contribute a pound of material will collect more money from the United States than will the people who supply the material and do the work…. It is a terrible situation when the Government, to insure the National Wealth, must go in debt and submit to ruinous interest charges at the hands of men who control the fictitious value of gold. Interest is the invention of Satan.”
–Thomas Edison

“I am more than ever convinced of the dangers to which the free and unbiased exercise of political opinion — the only sure foundation and safeguard of republican government — would be exposed by any further increase of the already overgrown influence of corporate authorities.”
–Martin Van Buren

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.”
–Abraham Lincoln, after the passing of the National Bank Act

“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce… and when you realize that the entire system is so easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to told how periods of inflation and depression originate.” –James Garfield

“If, as I said, any persons are to make good deficiencies to the public creditor, besides the public at large, they must be those who managed the agreement. Why therefore are not the estates of all the comptrollers-general confiscated? Why not those of the long succession of ministers, financiers, and bankers who have been enriched whilst the nation was impoverished by their dealings and their counsels?” –Edmund Burke

Today: “83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people. 61 percent of Americans ‘always or usually’ live paycheck to paycheck, which was up from 49 percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007. 66% of the income growth between 2001 and 2007 went to the top 1% of all Americans… Only the top 5 percent of U.S. households have earned enough additional income to match the rise in housing costs since 1975. For the first time in U.S. history, banks own a greater share of residential housing net worth in the United States than all individual Americans put together. In 1950, the ratio of the average executive’s paycheck to the average worker’s paycheck was about 30 to 1. Since the year 2000, that ratio has exploded to between 300 to 500 to one. As of 2007, the bottom 80 percent of American households held about 7% of the liquid financial assets. The bottom 50 percent of income earners in the United States now collectively own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth. Average Wall Street bonuses for 2009 were up 17 percent when compared with 2008. In the United States, the average federal worker now earns 60% MORE than the average worker in the private sector. The top 1% of U.S. households own nearly twice as much of America’s corporate wealth as they did just 15 years ago….. Despite the financial crisis, the number of millionaires in the United States rose a whopping 16 percent to 7.8 million in 2009. Approximately 21 percent of all children in the United States are living below the poverty line in 2010 – the highest rate in 20 years. The top 10% of Americans now earn around 50% of our national income.”
–Michael Snyder, Business Insider

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
–Thomas Jefferson

“…First by Inflation….”

“Indeed, Clinton gave a speech on March 15, 2007 to the National Community Reinvestment Coalition in which she said “the alarm bell about the subprime home market has largely gone unnoticed by the (Bush) administration because they keep arguing we have to give trillions of dollars of tax cuts for the wealthy”…. The evidence shows both Obama and Clinton were talking about various aspects of the issue as early as 2006, before it had ripened into a crisis.

“Despite the ongoing adjustments in the housing sector, overall economic prospects for households remain good. Household finances appear generally solid, and delinquency rates on most types of consumer loans and residential mortgages remain low.”
–Ben Bernenke, Libertarian Republican and Greenspan acolyte, February, 2007

“I was aware that the loosening of mortgage credit terms for subprime borrowers increased financial risk. But I believed then, as now, that the benefits of broadened home ownership are worth the risk.”
–Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Fed from 1987-2006, in September 2007

Predatory lending aimed at racially segregated minority neighborhoods led to mass foreclosures that fueled the U.S. housing crisis, according to a new study published in the American Sociological Review.”

“…Then by Deflation…”

“House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan is scheduled today to release a plan that would cut more than $6 trillion from President Barack Obama’s budget over 10 years, phase out traditional Medicare and call for a revamp of the tax code. ”
Bloomberg News

“Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal cuts ‘nothing’ from Medicare, Social Security or defense in the next two to three years, and “in three years, he does not cut one dime from the debt.”
Politifact, quoting David Stockman, Former Reagan Budget Director

“In a speech in February 2004, Greenspan suggested that more homeowners should consider taking out Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) where the interest rate adjusts itself to the current interest in the market. The fed own funds rate was at a then all-time-low of 1%. A few months after his recommendation, Greenspan began raising interest rates, in a series of rate hikes that would bring the funds rate to 5.25% about two years later. A triggering factor in the 2007 subprime mortgage financial crisis is believed to be the many subprime ARMs that reset at much higher interest rates than what the borrower paid during the first few years of the mortgage.
Wikipedia.org on Greenspan

“For the fact is that the Obama stimulus — which itself was almost 40 percent tax cuts — was far too cautious to turn the economy around. And that’s not 20-20 hindsight: many economists, myself included, warned from the beginning that the plan was grossly inadequate. Put it this way: A policy under which government employment actually fell, under which government spending on goods and services grew more slowly than during the Bush years, hardly constitutes a test of Keynesian economics. Now, maybe it wasn’t possible for President Obama to get more in the face of Congressional skepticism about government. But even if that’s true, it only demonstrates the continuing hold of a failed doctrine over our politics. It’s also worth pointing out that everything the right said about why Obamanomics would fail was wrong. For two years we’ve been warned that government borrowing would send interest rates sky-high; in fact, rates have fluctuated with optimism or pessimism about recovery, but stayed consistently low by historical standards. For two years we’ve been warned that inflation, even hyperinflation, was just around the corner; instead, disinflation has continued, with core inflation — which excludes volatile food and energy prices — now at a half-century low. The free-market fundamentalists have been as wrong about events abroad as they have about events in America — and suffered equally few consequences. “Ireland,” declared George Osborne in 2006, “stands as a shining example of the art of the possible in long-term economic policymaking.” Whoops. But Mr. Osborne is now Britain’s top economic official. And in his new position, he’s setting out to emulate the austerity policies Ireland implemented after its bubble burst. After all, conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic spent much of the past year hailing Irish austerity as a resounding success. “The Irish approach worked in 1987-89 — and it’s working now,” declared Alan Reynolds of the Cato Institute last June. Whoops, again. But such failures don’t seem to matter. To borrow the title of a recent book by the Australian economist John Quiggin on doctrines that the crisis should have killed but didn’t, we’re still — perhaps more than ever — ruled by ‘zombie economics.’ Why?”
Paul Krugman

“…First by Inflation…”

“In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be regulated, and my view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the banks,”
–Spencer Bachus, Republican Chairman of the House Committee on Financial Services and TARP negotiator, December 2010

It is plain hubris to think that this government, with its $14 trillion dollar debt, annual deficits, and wasteful-spending, is worthy of this plenipotentiary oversight,”
-Michelle Bachmann, January 2011, on her bill to repeal the financial reform bill

The less we fund those [bank regulatory] agencies, the better America will be. I think anything we can do to slow down, deter or impede their ability to engage in this oppressive overregulation, which is freezing up our economy, would be good for our country.”
-Mitch McConnell, June 2011

Well, it is a check that this public is looking for on this runaway agenda of this administration. They don’t want to see any more spending, especially if it promotes policies that kill jobs. That’s what you’ve got, both with the Obamacare bill and the Dodd-Frank bill.”
–Eric Cantor, 2011

“The House Appropriations Committee financial services subcommittee on Thursday approved its 2012 appropriations bill, which curbs the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) created by the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.”
The Hill.com

“Last week, reports Shahien Nasiripour of The Huffington Post, all four Republicans on the commission voted to exclude the following terms from the report: “deregulation,” “shadow banking,” “interconnection,” and, yes, “Wall Street.” When Democratic members refused to go along with this insistence that the story of Hamlet be told without the prince, the Republicans went ahead and issued their own report, which did, indeed, avoid using any of the banned terms.That report is all of nine pages long, with few facts and hardly any numbers. Beyond that, it tells a story that has been widely and repeatedly debunked — without responding at all to the debunkers.In the world according to the G.O.P. commissioners, it’s all the fault of government do-gooders, who used various levers — especially Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored loan-guarantee agencies — to promote loans to low-income borrowers. Wall Street — I mean, the private sector — erred only to the extent that it got suckered into going along with this government-created bubble. It’s hard to overstate how wrongheaded all of this is. For one thing, as I’ve already noted, the housing bubble was international — and Fannie and Freddie weren’t guaranteeing mortgages in Latvia. Nor were they guaranteeing loans in commercial real estate, which also experienced a huge bubble. Beyond that, the timing shows that private players weren’t suckered into a government-created bubble. It was the other way around. During the peak years of housing inflation, Fannie and Freddie were pushed to the sidelines; they only got into dubious lending late in the game, as they tried to regain market share.”
Paul Krugman

“…Then by Deflation…”

“In addition to acknowledging that seniors, disabled and elderly people would be hit with much higher out-of-pocket health care costs, the CBO finds that by the end of the 10-year budget window [under Paul Ryan’s plan], public debt will actually be higher than it would be if the GOP just did nothing.”
Talking Points Memo

GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty recently called for $2 trillion in tax cuts for individuals and businesses in the next decade, as well as two to three times less federal spending – cutting a total of $8 trillion. But on Tuesday, Pawlenty expressed his foreign policy plans to remain involved in the Middle East – to “seize” the opportunity “amid the turmoil of the Arab Spring” and to “help promote freedom and democracy.” The GOP candidate said America should stop “leading from behind” and be more active in regions like Libya, Egypt and even Saudi Arabia.”
–Nicole Glass, FrumForum.com

The $137 million deficit in the budget year ending June 30 represents about 0.456 percent of the $30 billion state budget, or less than half of 1 percent. The projected $3.6 billion deficit for the next two-year budget is more serious: about 12 percent of the overall budget…. In unveiling his two-year budget, Walker cut aid to local schools and government by about $1 billion. But the proposal, which now goes to the Legislature, included new spending in some areas, including adding $1 million in raises for prosecutors, $993,800 for additional public defenders and $1.04 million to investigate Internet crimes against children. On the opposite side of the ledger, the budget reduced revenue by some $140 million through a variety of tax cuts, including ones aimed at businesses and individuals with Health Savings Accounts.”

“…First by Inflation…”

“As Timothy Noah of Slate noted in an excellent series on inequality, the United States now arguably has a more unequal distribution of wealth than traditional banana republics like Nicaragua, Venezuela and Guyana…. The richest 0.1 percent of taxpayers would get a tax cut of $61,000 from President Obama. They would get $370,000 from Republicans, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. And that provides only a modest economic stimulus, because the rich are less likely to spend their tax savings. ”
New York Times

“After the worst crisis since the Great Depression, President Obama has unleashed an unusual force to regulate the financial system: a bunch of empty seats…. The Obama administration put up Peter A. Diamond for a position on the Federal Reserve board. Winning a little something called the Nobel Prize [4] hasn’t helped him with confirmation, however. Sen. Richard Shelby, the powerful Alabama Republican and ranking member of the banking committee, is standing in his way. The senator also quashed the nomination of Joseph A. Smith Jr. to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency. But much of the blame for this situation lies with the Obama administration. It’s almost as if the president and his staff have thrown up their hands. The administration has had trouble finding good candidates who are willing to go through the vetting process and has shied away from fights. It also hasn’t seeded the ground or supported the nominations it has made, people complain.”

“Schneiderman’s probe, news of which came out yesterday in this piece by Morgenson, reportedly targets the banks’ mortgage securitization process during the bubble years. Morgenson reported that Schneiderman is focused on at least three companies: Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, and old friend Goldman, Sachs. This investigation has the potential to be a Mother of All Nightmares situation for the banks for a couple of reasons. For one thing, the decision to go after the securitization process is a total prosecutorial bullseye. This is the ugly heart of the wide-scale fraud scheme of the bubble era. Again, the business model during this time was a giant bait-and-switch scam. Sleazy lenders like Countrywide and New Century first created huge masses of bad loans, committing every conceivable kind of fraud to get people into loans (from doctoring income statements with white-out to phonying FICO scores to engineering fake appraisals). They then moved the bad loans quickly to the big banks, which pooled them and chopped them up (this is the “securitization” process), sprinkled hocus-pocus math on them, and then sold them to suckers around the world as AAA-rated securities…..The reason this is such a potentially deadly investigation for the banks is that they seemed to be so close to getting away scot free. There is another investigation into the banks’ mortgage abuses by the states’ Attorneys General, led by Iowa AG Tom Miller, that was rumored to be headed toward a settlement, despite the fact that nothing like a complete investigation has been done. The expectation for some time has been that the banks would eventually have to pay a significant, but eminently survivable, settlement for abuses during the bubble era. Although the Miller probe was focused on practices like robo-signing and other such documentation abuses, it could theoretically have covered securitization as well. But if the AGs were to sign off on a friendly global settlement for mortgage abuses prematurely, it would be like a DA offering a millionaire murderer a 2-year plea bargain before the cops even had a chance to interview all the eyewitnesses. It would be a blatantly political arrangement. Such a desire to get some kind of deal done and sweep the mortgage mess under the rug once and for all seems almost universal among high-ranking politicians, and particularly in the Obama administration, which has acted throughout like it wants more than anything to simply get all of this over with and put in the past.”
Matt Taibbi

“Schneiderman, a Democrat who rode to office by pointing out Wall Street’s misdeeds, requested documents earlier this year from Bank of America, the largest lender and mortgage servicer, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley regarding their mortgage operations…. Schneiderman’s inquiry also raises questions about the speed the Obama administration and a coalition of state attorneys general and bank regulators are moving towards a settlement agreement to resolve claims of widespread foreclosure abuse. The states’ top cops and representatives of the Department of Justice, Federal Trade Commission, Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Treasury Department are pushing the nation’s largest mortgage companies to pay about $20 billion in a deal to end the months-long probes into shoddy and possibly illegal practices employed by Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Ally Financial.”
Huffington Post

Afghan officials said on Thursday that they have arrested two former executives involved in the collapse of Kabul Bank.”
New York Times

“A bitter cynic might suggest that such prosecutions [in America] have not happened because both political parties are desperately competing for Wall Street cash for the 2012 election, and nothing would doom the incumbent party’s chances more than holding Wall Street royalty accountable, along with the fact that the top levels of government are suffused with former bank officials and lobbyists– but everyone knows that American justice isn’t politicized that way, so that can’t be it (just like everyone knows that political considerations played no role whatsoever in the presidential shield of immunity lavished on high-level Bush officials).”
Glenn Greenwald

“…Then By Deflation…”

I think we’re going through those difficult economic times for a purpose, to bring us back to those Biblical principles of you know, you don’t spend all the money. [In the parable of Joseph and the “Good Pharaoh,”] You work hard for those six [read: seven] years and you put up that seventh year in the warehouse to take you through the hard times [harder times?]. And not spending all of our money. Not asking for Pharaoh to give everything to everybody and to take care of folks because at the end of the day, it’s slavery. We become slaves to government.
–Rick Perry, confusing the “Good Pharaoh” in Genesis with the “Bad Pharaoh” in Exodus

“[Joseph said:] Let Pharaoh appoint commissioners over the land to take a fifth of the harvest of Egypt [in taxes] during the seven years of abundance. They should collect all the food of these good years that are coming and store up the grain under the authority of Pharaoh, to be kept in the cities for food. This food should be held in reserve for the country, to be used during the seven years of famine that will come upon Egypt, so that the country may not be ruined by the famine.”
–Genesis 41:34-36

“It follows that the level of debt matters only if the distribution of net worth matters, if highly indebted players face different constraints from players with low debt. And this means that all debt isn’t created equal – which is why borrowing by some actors now can help cure problems created by excess borrowing by other actors in the past.”
–Paul Krugman

“The Democrats’ stimulus raised economic growth by as much as 4.5 percent in the last quarter and may have increased the number of people with jobs by more than 3 million, according to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report released Tuesday.”
The Hill.com

“…First by Inflation…”

“The Panic of 1907, also known as the 1907 Bankers’ Panic, was a financial crisis that occurred in the United States when the New York Stock Exchange fell close to 50% from its peak the previous year. Panic occurred, as this was during a time of economic recession, and there were numerous runs on banks and trust companies. The 1907 panic eventually spread throughout the nation when many state and local banks and businesses entered into bankruptcy. Primary causes of the run include a retraction of market liquidity by a number of New York City banks and a loss of confidence among depositors, exacerbated by unregulated side bets at bucket shops…. Production fell by 11%, imports by 26%, while unemployment rose to 8% from under 3%. Immigration dropped to 750,000 people in 1909, from 1.2 million two years earlier.”

“Imagine the situation back in what ev-psych types call the Ancestral Adaptive Environment. Suppose that two tribes–the Clan of the Cave Bear and its neighbor, the Clan of the Cave Bull–live in close proximity but follow different hunting strategies. The Cave Bears tend to hunt rabbits–a safe strategy, since you can be pretty sure of finding a rabbit every day, but one with a limited upside, since a rabbit is only a rabbit. The Cave Bulls, on the other hand, go after mammoths–risky, since you never know when or if you’ll find one, but potentially very rewarding, since one felled mammoth provides a yield of, well, elephantine proportions. Now suppose that for a year or two the Cave Bulls have been doing very well, making a killing practically every week. After a while, the natural instinct of the Cave Bears is to feel jealous, and to try to share in the good fortune by starting to act like Cave Bulls themselves. In the ancestral environment, that instinct was entirely appropriate: The kinds of events that would produce a good run of mammoths–favorable weather producing a lush crop of grass, migration patterns bringing large numbers of beasts into the district–tended to be persistent, so it was a sound idea to emulate whatever strategy had worked in the recent past. But transplant our tribes into the world of modern finance, and those instincts aren’t appropriate at all. Efficient-markets theory tells us that all the available information about a company is supposed to be already built into its current stock price, so that any future movement is inherently unpredictable. Rational investors, by this logic, should treat bygones as bygones: The fact that your neighbor made a lot of money in stocks last year while you stayed in cash is no reason to get into stocks now. But suppose that, for whatever reason, the market goes up month after month; your MBA-honed intellect may say, “Gosh, those P/Es look pretty unreasonable,” but your prehistoric programming is shrieking, “Me want mammoth meat!””
Paul Krugman on Tech Bubble in 1998, before it crashed

Of course, some people still deny that there’s a housing bubble. Let me explain how we know that they’re wrong. One piece of evidence is the sense of frenzy about real estate, which irresistibly brings to mind the stock frenzy of 1999. Even some of the players are the same. The [Conservative/Free Enterprise] authors of the 1999 best seller “Dow 36,000″ are now among the most vocal proponents of the view that there is no housing bubble.”
Paul Krugman, August, 2005

“The Hamilton students sampled the predictions of 26 individuals who wrote columns… and evaluated the accuracy of 472 predictions…. Even when the students eliminated political predictions and looked only at predictions for the economy and social issues, they found that liberals still do better than conservatives at prediction. After [the winner] Krugman, the most accurate pundits were Maureen Dowd of The New York Times, former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – all Democrats and/or liberals. Also landing in the “Good” category, however, were conservative columnists Kathleen Parker and David Brooks, along with Bush Administration Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. Left-leaning columnist Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post rounded out the “good” list. Those scoring lowest – “The Ugly” – with negative tallies were conservative columnist Cal Thomas; U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC); U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)[a pro-military Democrat]; U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman, a McCain supporter and Democrat-turned-Independent from Connecticut; Sam Donaldson of ABC; and conservative columnist George Will.”

“…Then by Deflation…”

“To repeal the act creating bank notes, or to restore to circulation the government issue of money will be to provide the people with money and will therefore seriously affect our individual profits as bankers and lenders…see your congressman at once and engage him to support our interest that we may control legislation.” -James Buel, American Bankers Association, 1877

“Statistics from the United Nations tell us that the bottom 40 percent of the population of the United States own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth. That is about 120 million people. If each and every one of these individuals “forced” the banks to give them mortgages and loans, and then failed to pay them back, the worst that could happen would be a total national loss of 1 percent of wealth… Also curious are numbers on who actually lost the most in this Great Recession. According to a study by a professor at the University of California, the average American household lost an astounding 36 percent of their total wealth. But the top 1 percent households lost only 11 percent. So the net result is that the wealth distribution is even more unequal than it was it was before the financial crisis. Maybe the top 1 percent should be thanking the poor black folks for “causing” the financial meltdown.

“The rocket docket wasn’t created to investigate any of that. It exists to launder the crime and bury the evidence by speeding thousands of fraudulent and predatory loans to the ends of their life cycles, so that the houses attached to them can be sold again with clean paperwork. The judges, in fact, openly admit that their primary mission is not justice but speed. One Jacksonville judge, the Honorable A.C. Soud, even told a local newspaper that his goal is to resolve 25 cases per hour. Given the way the system is rigged, that means His Honor could well be throwing one ass on the street every 2.4 minutes.”
–Matt Taibbi, “Invasion of the Home Snatchers”

“I’ve called for a freeze on annual domestic spending over the next five years. This freeze would cut the deficit by more than $400 billion over the next decade, bringing this kind of spending — domestic [non-military and non-transportation] discretionary spending — to its lowest share of our economy since Dwight Eisenhower was president. Let me repeat that. Because of our budget, this share of spending will be at its lowest level since Dwight Eisenhower was president. That level of spending is lower than it was under the last three administrations, and it will be lower than it was under Ronald Reagan.
–Barack Obama, rated “Half True” by Politifact.com

Back during the campaign, Obama said he would create a $10 billion fund to help homeowners facing foreclosure. “Too many families are unable to refinance because no one will lend to them, and they are unable to sell their homes because the housing market has fallen,” reads as statement of policy from Obama’s 2008 campaign. “As president, Obama will fight to ensure more Americans can achieve and protect the dream of home ownership.” We named it one of our top promises, among the most significant campaign pledges Obama made. And soon after his election, Obama outdid the promise of $10 billion, creating a foreclosure prevention fund that totaled $75 billion, paid for with funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and the government sponsored mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Officials said the fund could help 9 million homeowners. We gave Obama a Promise Kept. But as many months went by, the program never lived up to its promise. As of January 2011, the program had given permanent loan modifications to only about 500,000 homeowners. The news website ProPublica has extensively investigated the program and reached a number of dismal conclusions…. With millions of homeowners still struggling to stay in their homes, the Obama administration’s $75 billion foreclosure prevention program has been weakened, perhaps fatally, by lax oversight and a posture of cooperation—rather than enforcement—with the nation’s biggest banks,” ProPublica reported. “Those banks, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, and Citibank, service the majority of mortgages.”

More on Ayn Rand and Alan Greenspan:

First appointed Federal Reserve chairman by President Ronald Reagan in August 1987, he was reappointed at successive four-year intervals until retiring on January 31, 2006 after the second-longest tenure in the position….. Although Greenspan was initially a logical positivist, he was converted to Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism by her associate Nathaniel Branden. He became one of the members of Rand’s inner circle, the Ayn Rand Collective, who read Atlas Shrugged while it was being written. During the 1950s and 1960s Greenspan was a proponent of Objectivism, writing articles for Objectivist newsletters and contributing several essays for Rand’s 1966 book Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal including an essay supporting the Gold Standard. Rand stood beside him at his 1974 swearing-in as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors.”
Wikipedia.com on Alan Greenspan

“[The teachings of Satanism are] just Ayn Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added.”
-Antony LeVay, infamous founder of “The Church of Satan” and author of The Satanic Bible (1976)

“The [Satanic Bible‘s] “Nine Satanic Statements“, one of the Church of Satan’s central doctrines, is a paraphrase, again unacknowledged, of passages from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.”

“When [Ayn Rand’s friend] finally refused to continue their relationship, Rand furiously expelled him from her ‘movement’ and then scuttled the ‘movement’ itself. That was, curiously, all for the better, since under her control the Objectivist movement was taking on more and more of the authoritarian or totalitarian overtones of the very ideologies it was supposedly opposing. In another incident, related by the columnist Samuel Francis, when Rand learned that the economist Murray Rothbard’s wife, Joey, was a devout Christian, she all but ordered that if Joey did not see the light and become an atheist in six months, Rothbard, who was an agnostic, must divorce her. Rothbard never had any intention of doing anything of the sort, and this estranged him from Rand, who found such “irrational” behavior intolerable…. She may be taken, nevertheless, for what she will continue to be: An inspiring advocate for the free market and for the creativity of the autonomous individual.”
–Kelley Ross, “Libertarian” academic

A heavy smoker who refused to believe that smoking causes cancer brings to mind those today who are equally certain there is no such thing as global warming. Unfortunately, Miss Rand was a fatal victim of lung cancer…. “Doctors cost a lot more money than books earn and she could be totally wiped out” without the aid of these two government programs. Ayn took the bail out even though Ayn “despised government interference and felt that people should and could live independently”… She didn’t feel that an individual should take help. But alas she did and said it was wrong for everyone else to do so. Apart from the strong implication that those who take the help are morally weak, it is also a philosophic point that such help dulls the will to work, to save and government assistance is said to dull the entrepreneurial spirit. In the end, Miss Rand was a hypocrite but she could never be faulted for failing to act in her own self-interest.”
Huffington Post

GOP leaders and conservative pundits have brought upon themselves a crisis of values. Many who for years have been the loudest voices invoking the language of faith and moral values are now praising the atheist philosopher Ayn Rand whose teachings stand in direct contradiction to the Bible. Rand advocates a law of selfishness over love and commands her followers to think only of themselves, not others. She said her followers had to choose between Jesus and her teachings.
American Values Network

“He said he had never understood his family until reading [about Ayn Rand]. It made him realize that they had mixed Rand’s strongly anti-government, unquestioningly pro-business, and individualistic worldview with biblical Christianity. Theologians call this “syncretism”—which George Barna calls America’s favorite religion.”
–Christianity Today, “Ayn Rand: Goddess of the Great Recession: Why Christians should be wary of the late pop philosopher and her disciples”

“When you vote for politicians who take from your back pocket to give to others, you think it’s compassionate, you think it’s caring? It’s not. It’s depriving the recipient of his own quest for self-interest. The brilliant writer and novelist, Ayn Rand, has written about this. Let me give you a couple quotes from Ayn Rand on this.”
–Rush Limbaugh, 2009

“Thanks very much for pamphlet. Am an admirer of Ayn Rand but hadn’t seen this study. ”
–Ronald Reagan

And yet……

“The Presidential election of 1976. I urge you, as emphatically as I can, not to support the candidacy of Ronald Reagan. I urge you not to work for or advocate his nomination, and not to vote for him. My reasons are as follows: Mr. Reagan is not a champion of capitalism, but a conservative in the worst sense of that word—i.e., an advocate of a mixed economy with government controls slanted in favor of business rather than labor (which, philosophically, is as untenable a position as one could choose—see Fred Kinnan in Atlas Shrugged, pp. 541-2). This description applies in various degrees to most Republican politicians, but most of them preserve some respect for the rights of the individual. Mr. Reagan does not: he opposes the right to abortion.”
–Ayn Rand, 1978

The threat to the future of capitalism is the fact that Reagan might fail so badly that he will become another ghost, like Herbert Hoover, to be invoked as an example of capitalism’s failure for another fifty years.”
–Ayn Rand, 1981

And yet…….

Ronald Reagan would have a very difficult, if not impossible time being nominated in this atmosphere of the Republican party.
–Mike Huckabee

The Friesian Correspondence: Letter 4C: Democrats Believe Islamic Fundamentalism is “Fully Redeemed by Its Hatred of America”

C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis, author of Chronicles of Narnia and That Hideous Strength

This is the conclusion of the three-part letter I’m posting in reply to Kelley Ross’ essay, “That Hideous Strength: Satan is a Democrat, It is the Blue States that are Red, & The Evil Empire Strikes Back.”

>Democrats and labor unions, with obvious hostility, drive industries out of whole cities and States and then lament that “Capitalism” has failed to provide employment. No. A good example is that the laissez faire Capitalism of 1906 delivered 1.7% unemployment, the very year that Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle portrayed hopeless hordes of the unemployed waiting for jobs at the meatpackers in Chicago. The real hopeless hordes of the unemployed are now in France, or Michigan, where socialism has reigned for decades.

And then one year later there was the Panic of 1907 when the stock market fell over 50%, the primary causes of which were a retraction of market liquidity by a number of New York City banks and a loss of confidence among depositors, exacerbated by unregulated side bets and speculation from “bucket shop” scams. As your own chart from “Historical Statistics and Analysis” points out, unemployment was at 8% by 1908. The more things change the more they stay the same.

While no one paid attention to Sinclair’s socialistic message in The Jungle, his realistic descriptions of animal feces being mixed in with meat products brought about the much needed Pure Food and Drug Act which regulated the meat market.

As of 2008, 12.4% of U.S. wage and salary workers were union members, down from 36% from the mid-1950s. The U.S. has the second lowest percentage of unionization of any developed democracy. Who’s the lowest? France.

> In 2008, Texas created more jobs than the whole rest of the United States put together. With no personal income tax, Texas is not famous for economically restrictive government. Thus, Texas grows, while Michigan, New York, and California shrink.

So because it has no personal income tax, Texas created more jobs than Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming put together…. even though those states also have no personal income tax. Nevada has the highest unemployment rate (14.4%) of all the states, including Michigan (13%). Florida (11.9%) is just under California (12.4%) and way above New York (8.3%). Also, 4 out of 10 of the states with the worst unemployment are red states, 4 out of 10 of the states with the least unemployment are blue states, and 7 of the top 10 wealthiest states are blue, excluding oil-taxing Alaska (#6), Virginia (#7) and Utah (#8), and including ultra-liberal Massachusetts (#9). All 10 of the poorest states are red states.

And this isn’t because of income redistribution. Despite Republicans being the loudest complainers about government spending, data going back 20 years shows that red states have actually been taking money away from blue states. Shankar Vedantam of Slate reports that, “The 28 states where George W. Bush won more than 50 percent of the vote in 2004 received an average of $1.32 for every dollar contributed. The 19 states where Bush received less than 50 percent of the vote collected 93 cents on the dollar.”

So what’s with Texas? Well first off, despite all those job creations, unemployment is still about the same as New York, below the national average, so the greater job-creation has more to do with the long-running trend of Texas always having a faster-growing employment and population. However, Texas is a lot better off this recession than the last one because of a combination of factors, including relaxed zoning codes and a larger area of land which kept appreciation and speculation down. Texas is also the home of large energy companies like ExxonMobil, which were largely unaffected by the crisis. Wind power created over 10,000 jobs and has attracted some foreign companies like Shell, Vestas, Iberdrola.

And although it may not be famous for it, Texas had comparatively strong regulations restricting consumers from using home-equity lines of credit to increase borrowing over 80% of their home value. This was probably because half the S&L’s from the 1989 crisis, which was brought on by a “surprisingly familiar set of precursors,” came from that state alone yet the entire country was forced to bail them out. Twenty years later, Governor Rick Perry is trying to court the Texas secessionist movement with references to pre-Civil War Texas s[e]cession rights.

Despite all that, there’s still a huge problem with Texas. Like Ireland, [Texas,] Britain, and Germany [were] used by the [R]ight to prove that draconian cuts and austerity brought a successful economy in the face of the economic crisis, but all four have fallen drastically since. As it turns out, Texas was the state that depended the most on those very stimulus funds Perry criticized to plug nearly 97% of its shortfall for fiscal 2010, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Now that the stimulus money has run out, the deficit is expected to run as high as $25 billion over the next two years, putting them in the same category as California. Not wanting to raise taxes, Perry has proposed huge cuts [in education] despite the fact that Texas already ranks near the bottom in education spending per pupil, while leading the nation in the percentage of residents without health insurance.

> Now we hear that Union members (“goons”? “thugs”?) have been threatening and strong-arming citizens who show up at the public fora.

Assuming you are referring to the Glenn Beck video, The Wichita Eagle reported that the video of the alleged assault on Kenneth Gladney “show[s] a scuffle but is inconclusive as to what exactly happened.” Less ambiguous are the cases of Joe Miller having his bodyguards arrest a reporter for asking him questions and Rand Paul’s supporters dragging a liberal activist to the ground while one of his campaign coordinators pinned her down with his shoe, earning him a police summons (after which he said she owed him an apology). Then there were also the death threats, the brick thrown through the window, and the cut gas line following health care being passed, and Al Franken’s window being shot, possibly by a pellet gun, following his criticism of the New York Islamic cultural center protesters.

>Democrats simply cannot believe, or don’t care, that their promotion of socialism will evoke a genuine visceral and spontaneous reaction from Americans.

Conservatives certainly have visceral reactions when Republicans frame the term as some sort of post-Soviet conspiracy, but social security is the most popular government program ever created, and Republicans decided the best way to attack Obama’s health care reform is to get conservatives to chant “No socialized medicine! And don’t touch my Medicare!”

Polls show almost half of Americans believe Obama initiated TARP, with only a third knowing that it was Bush. Only 12% of Americans know that tax bills for 2009 were lower (the lowest in 60 years) and twice as many believe taxes went up, while 38% believe Obama is “doing many of the things that Hitler did,” and 24% think he may be the Anti-Christ.

>They are also absurdly and hypocritically shocked and outraged that people should portray Obama or the Democrats as Nazis or Fascists (“We can’t allow this incivil discourse!”), when we heard no such cautions for all the years that George W. Bush was portrayed as a Fascist, Nazi, or Adolf Hitler himself. The grotesque conceit seems be that, well, smearing Bush was true, while labeling Obama the same way is an intolerable misrepresentation, outside reasonable political speech!

Bush was not compared to Hitler until he pushed for the invasion of Iraq. While I criticize any American president being compared to Hitler, it’s common for any military aggressor to be compared to him these days. Obama, in contrast, was immediately characterized before he was even elected, not as Hitler, but a hippie Stalinist Muslim elitist Hitler, complete with “terrorist fist bump.” Then after conservatives started getting tired of those words, D’Souza added “anti-colonialist.”

Aside from that, there’s the “birthers,” composed of the 20% of Americans who are sure he was born in Kenya and another 22% of Americans who are unsure, all of which gets help from Hannity, Rush, Savage, Levin, Dobbs making an issue of Obama’s birth certificate despite the fact that it was actually John McCain who lacks an American birth certificate, having been born in the Panama Canal Zone.

>Democrats want us to think that only Republicans promote corporate welfare, but we have recently seen their participation in that form of corruption in the corporate bailouts of 2009 — and they have all but institutionalized corporate welfare for the corn lobby in subsidies and mandates for ethanol (e.g. the Archer Daniels Midland Company).

Most liberals agree that the corn lobby should not be subsidized and are the biggest protesters of high fructose corn syrup. Ethanol mandates are unpopular with both parties, and I agree that it should not be funded because it causes food shortages and increases carbon emissions. Most Democrats and Republicans believe the corporate bailouts were necessary, but it’s liberals who made the loudest condemnation of the failure to cap bonuses.

>The logical goal of Democrat politics would be to put all business under the control of the government, a goal now achieved with General Motors, and to render all citizens into helpless peons who receive all goods and favors from politicians. Political enemies thus can be immediately deprived of jobs, housing, medical care, etc., as in the Soviet Union.

No, putting businesses under the control of the government would have meant the far more successful plan of nationalizing the banks like Sweden did during their 1992 crisis. The taxpayer just lent the banks money so they could turn around and lend it to the tax payer who just bailed them out at a higher rate. It’s the classic corporate strategy of “privatize the profits, socialize the losses” going back to the closing of the Second National Bank.

Christina Corbin at FoxNews.com tried to defend the tea party by saying the idea that “Obama wants to keep Americans unemployed so that they become dependent on government-run programs,” along with the idea that Obama is a secret Muslim, are part of the “mistruths, exaggerations and conspiracy theories that make Tea Party leaders cringe.” But I guess to you that’s just further proof Fox News isn’t really right wing.

>If Barack Obama admitted that he wants a “single payer” government medical system, and that the “reform” of the Democrats is designed to drive insurance companies out of the medical insurance business, the debate over “reform” would be a lot clearer.

According to Politifact.com, “Obama’s statements on single-payer have changed a bit,” prompting them to rate the change a “Half Flip.”

Since at least 1987, polls have shown the majority of the public favor a single-payer system. Between 2003 to 2009, 17 opinion polls from multiple sources showed a simple majority of the public supports a single-payer system in the United States.

>On the other hand, ignorance, unfortunately, is now the stock-in-trade of American education, all levels — as the Democrats and the leftist allies of the Democrats have seized the educational institutions — from the worthless Schools of Education, to the accreditation agencies, to the professional societies (the Modern Language Association, the MLA, may be the worst), to the administrations and faculty of the schools themselves. The higher the education, the purer the Marxism and Leninism, although leftist anti-capitalism and anti-Americanism infuse all levels of education. One way this could happen is that most college students who go into education major in “education” rather than in any real disciplines. What they pick up otherwise is from the humanities, rather than the sciences, and they soon discover that courses, for instance, in English departments have little to do with literature and language and much to do, like Sociology and now History departments, with political propaganda.

Apparently it’s so infused that no one even notices it. I must be the only English major who studied Dante instead of Lenin. By the way, your B.A. is in history, languages and philosophy and your M.A. is in philosophy. Are those “real” disciplines? Because you appear to believe it makes you better at economics than economists and better at physics than physicists and climate scientists.

>As “tenured radicals” have come to dominate academia, the press, and the intelligentsia, a major conceit of leftist and Democrat politics is how smart they all are. In turn, the common theme of trendy humor and opinion is how stupid Republicans are, from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush.

I believe the general Republican strategy has little to do with even pretending to be intelligent because it conflicts with their demonization of “elitist” intelligentsia, as you just demonstrated above. Bush seemed to dumb down his own speaking habits on purpose and take on the Reagan-esque cowboy image because people generally want to elect presidents they “want to have a beer with.”

A new study from the peer-reviewed scientific journal Social Psychology Quarterly, authored by a Libertarian, says there is a statistical correlation between high intelligence and liberalism, atheism, and male monogamy. Young adults who identify themselves as “very liberal” have an average IQ of 106 while those who identify themselves as “very conservative” have an average IQ of 95. A 2007 study in the journal Nature Neuroscience suggests liberal brains are more adept at processing new ideas. Stephen Hawking is in the Labour Party and it was Democratic representative Rush Holt who just recently beat IBM’s supercomputer Watson at Jeopardy.

>After the Democrats took Congress in 2006, however, the American public has had a good chance to see a lot of Democrat politicians in action. What seems obvious about the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, or Barney Frank, then, is that they are just idiots.

Barney Frank is often called the “smartest guy in congress.” Jim Leach, the former Republican Congressman from Iowa who preceded Frank as committee chairman and worked with him for 30 years said “I think he’s probably Congress’s smartest member in sheer IQ.” He’s certainly a very quick-witted speaker with a verbose vocabulary and the ability to use effective references. Typically, when you call someone stupid, you give a stupid quote. Bush has dozens of “Bushisms.” No one, Republican or Democrat, has ever called him the smartest man in anything. I’d put my money on Barney Frank or even Pelosi beating Bush, Palin, Bachmann, or O’Donnell in an IQ test any day of the week.

>They make George W. Bush look like Albert Einstein. They will say anything just because they want it to be true, however absurd or incoherent it may be.

Albert Einstein was put on the FBI list for being an anti-McCarthy socialist (of course, MLK Jr. was put on the list too, and he’s now fraudulently called a conservative by revisionists). In his article, “Why Socialism?”, Einstein wrote, “The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil. We see before us a huge community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving to deprive each other of the fruits of their collective labor—not by force, but on the whole in faithful compliance with legally established rules…. Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society.” No doubt if Einstein was alive today you would be calling him an idiot.

Stephen Hawking considers global warming to be just as dangerous to the survival of mankind as nuclear weapons, but I guess he’s just an anti-science “Post-Copernican” who’s against “human progress and the betterment of human life on earth,” so you must be smarter than him too. After all, as you fully admit, science has nothing to do with what’s written in “journals like Nature, the National Science Foundation, or the Royal Society of Britain,” or indeed any and all science organizations and journals throughout the world!! No sources from any climate scientists or physicists are necessary for your claim that 2010 was the coldest in 100 years. We can just assume you know more than NASA, NOAA, and every other science organization on the planet that says 2010 tied for the hottest year ever recorded and that every decade has been hotter than the last. The world’s scientists are all just politically biased, even though the science literature never touches on which political solutions should be used, unlike you, who are unable to even write a review on Star Trek without basing its worth completely on the fiscal policies of today’s world that it presumes (Even if they do have replicators and holograms that can create anything and everything, the Federation are still fascists for not having a capitalistic trade system based on supply and demand!). How 97% of climate scientists reached a consensus based purely on a form of closet Communism that somehow causes the world’s glaciers to melt and the famed Northwest Passage to open up is unimportant: that’s just “Official Science,” not “Real Science,” which can only be decided by what you say it is.

But wait, when writing about Gordon Liddy, you said, “Liddy may be wrong about Global Warming, which may be affected by human activities.” I guess you were a closet Communist and “planet catastrophe and terrorist friend” when you wrote that. Then your article on Michael Crichton says Global Warming is unstoppable, but later you added a quote that says the world is cooling without changing any of the stuff that says its non-antrhopogenic warming. Talk about “incoherent.” Plus you complain that Arnold Schwarzenegger “suddenly became a Believer in Global Warming” (like he didn’t before?). So which is it? Is the world cooling or going through unstoppable warming? I guess in your world of doublethink, it’s the same thing as long as both arguments agree with closing off subsidies to clean energy (but not tax-dodging oil companies of course!). After all, as you’ve told me before, investing in clean energy would somehow kill more people than runaway global warming even though France somehow managed to get 80% of their energy from nuclear without anyone dying.

>They also had reason to hope that they could entangle him in the bogus Valerie Plame affair. Although the Special Prosecutor in the case, Patrick Fitzgerald, determined quite early that no laws had been broken, he continued his investigation anyway.

So if the Plame affair involved evidence being found of a connection between Saddam Hussein and uranium, and it was the Democrats who outed her for political reasons, you would still have been critical of the investigation?

>This may have started in 2000. The election was close, and the outcome would be determined by Florida, where the vote itself was very close. The strategy was adopted of successive recounts. With each recount more Republican votes could be disqualified and more Democratic votes “discovered.”

In Volusia county, Florida, a voting machine claimed those 412 voters had somehow given Bush 2,813 votes and in addition had given Gore a negative vote count of -16,022 votes. An internal memo from the Diebold company who created it said: “If you strip away the partisan rancor over the 2000 election, you are left with the undeniable fact that a presidential candidate conceded the election to his opponent based on [results from] a second card that mysteriously appears, subtracts 16,022 votes, then just as mysteriously disappears.”

Also, Bush lawyers specifically argued against counting methods that Bush personally adopted as governor.

A study cited by Factcheck.org notes that while Bush would have won with the limited recounts that both he and Gore asked for, a broad-based recount would have shown Gore winning from between 42 to 171 votes.

>As the Florida Supreme Court was going to allow endless recounting in the whole State, contrary to all State and Federal law, the United States Supreme Court stepped in and stopped the farce. The Democrats, having brazened out their own attempt to steal the election, then began screaming that the Republicans had stolen the election.

In 1997, G.W. Bush signed “HB 330” into law stating hand recounts were necessary following a close election in Texas. Having the federal supreme court overturn the state supreme court also goes against the typical conservative narrative that the states should be allowed to govern themselves, an especially important consideration given that Gore would have won had the election been based on the popular vote rather than [by state] electoral college. And if the justices who made that decision are so proud of what they did, why did they ban the court’s action from ever being used as a precedent for future elections? No doubt different measures would have to be taken if the exact situation happened again with the roles reversed.

The four justices who dissented against the federal court ruling wrote: “Counting every legally cast vote cannot constitute irreparable harm… Preventing the recount from being completed will inevitably cast a cloud on the legitimacy of the election.” The dissenting justices argued that stopping the recount was an “unwise” violation of “three venerable rules of judicial restraint,” that is, respecting the opinions of state supreme courts, cautiously exercising jurisdiction when “another branch of the Federal Government” has a large measure of responsibility to resolve the issue, and avoiding making peremptory conclusions on federal constitutional law prior to a full presentation on the issue. Judge Stevens, who was nominated by Ford, said, “Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year’s Presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the Nation’s confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the rule of law.”

>Meanwhile, the Democrats have perfected their strategy and have now stolen two major elections. In 2004 the Republican Dino Rossi won the Governor’s race in Washington State by a small margin. The Democrats then began endless recounts, especially in urban districts with Democrat officials, until the Democrat, Christine Gregoire, moved ahead and could be proclaimed the winner.

The state Supreme Court decision allowed 732 ballots to be reconsidered in King County, a Democratic stronghold, because those ballots had been mistakenly thrown out because of problems scanning signatures into a computer. Most Republican pundits don’t even challenge recounts but instead make the unsubstantiated accusation of voter fraud, which in reality is very rare.

>The next case would be of greater national significance. In 2008, Minnesota Republican Senator Norm Coleman won his race by 725 votes. After eight months of recounts and challenges, Democrat comedian Al Franken was credited with a victory by 312 votes. Perhaps an all too typical Republican, Coleman, instead of appealing to Federal Courts, conceded defeat, as Richard Nixon had in 1960. The result was firm Democrat control of the United States Senate, enabling them to pass socialized medicine, or whatever else they want, and override all opposition.

Factcheck.org says: “Unlike many right-leaning blogs and commentators, Coleman makes no claim of partisan funny business by the five members of the Canvassing Board, which has only one clearly identified Democrat. Coleman’s lawyer once praised the panel’s makeup, in fact. Coleman’s appeal challenging the board’s certification, which a three-judge panel began hearing Jan. 26, lays out his theory: “Not every valid vote has been counted, and some have been counted twice.” Coleman raised several issues, among them: duplicate ballots, “missing” ballots, “improperly” rejected absentee ballots, and discrepancies in rulings made on ballots concerning voter intent. Factcheck wrote: “The burden is on Coleman to prove all these claims, and even if he wins on each point it’s not clear whether he would gain enough votes to change the outcome.” After a six-month legal battle in which he lost each of his contests, the Minnesota Supreme Court unanimously declared Franken the election winner.

>It is remarkable to me that people in a democracy would want to steal elections, but I have no doubt that the Democrats are willing to do this, as historically they often have. Sometimes self-righteousness and lust for power may not be enough to explain it. Or, since the most radical Democrats and their supporters are clearly Communists, it is clear that they have no respect for elections, majorities, legality, democracy, or anything else that would stand in their way. But I am also perfectly willing to consider the possibility that Supernatural Evil is involved, as in the N.I.C.E. (“National Institute for Coordinated Experiments”) institution of C.S. Lewis’s That Hideous Strength [1945]. Much of what the Democrats do looks like N.I.C.E., in both its rhetoric and its police state reality [note]. If I were a Christian, and if I thought that abortion or homosexuality were morally wrong, I think it would hard not be believe that Satan, as in Lewis’ novel, was behind Democrat politics. The mix of lies, seduction, death, sterility, and corruption seems Satanic in its combination of fair face and vicious substance, hedonism and rot.

This is rich considering your own misgivings about Christianity based on critical readings of the sayings attributed to Jesus in the gospels. In your [essay], “Why I Am Not a Christian”, the third reason you give for not being a Christian is the gospel injunction for the rich to give all their money to the poor in order to attain salvation because it implies that economics is a “zero-sum” game, which you yourself associate with Marxism. So you’re not a Christian because Christian teachings are too Marxist, but Democrats are Satanic for being too Marxist as well.

The condemnation of the rich is one of the strongest themes found in the gospels. Some Christians have tried to explain this away by claiming the “needle’s eye” for which the camel going through would be easier than for a rich man to enter heaven was actually a gate in Jerusalem. The proclamations against the rich have become so disassociated with conservative religious beliefs that Obama’s “spread the wealth around” comment has largely been connected with the pre-Marxist saying “to each according to his needs” without any acknowledgment that it originates from Acts 4:35, which describes the apostles disowning all possessions and holding all things common “according as he had need.”

As C.S. Lewis himself writes in Mere Christianity, a Christian society would [have] “no manufacture of silly luxuries and then of sillier advertisements to persuade us to buy them. There would be no ‘swank,’ no ‘side,” no putting on airs. To that extent a Christian society would now be what we now call Leftist…. We should feel that its economic life was very socialistic and, in that sense, ‘advanced’, but that its family life and its code of manners were rather old fashioned–perhaps even ceremonious and aristocratic.”

Ayn Rand, who has been so much an inspiration to not just Greenspan but Christians like Reagan, Armey, Delay, Lott, Limbaugh, Coulter, and George Will, mocked Christianity as “the best kindergarten of communism possible” and based her philosophy on the worship of selfishness that many Christians accuse all atheists of. Her influence on Greenspan’s political combination of government intervention-hating Libertarianism and government intervention-loving corporate socialism inspired Christianity Today to call her the “Goddess of the Great Recession.”

As to the “police state,” the only political controversies that can reasonably affiliated with that is the Drug War, started by Reagan and [] to this day supported by the Right and opposed by the Left, and the War on Terror, leading to some of the most massive Constitutional breaches to the right to a fair and speedy trial, supported by you, Obama loyalists, and all the Neo-Cons who are congratulating Obama for breaking his campaign promises so he can go even further than Bush in “keeping America safe.”

Satan, as portrayed in Revelation, is a symbol of Rome, associated with a seven-headed dragon representing the seven hills of Rome. The “Number of the Beast,” 666, is largely accepted as being numeric code for “Nero Caesar.” The gospels likewise hide sentiments against the Roman occupation behind allegories of demonic possession of a demonic horde “named Legion,” which inhabit a large number of swine symbolizing the Tenth Legion’s boar emblem and sending them to their deaths into the sea. And it’s the Neo-Cons of today who act most like Rome in defending the realpolitik of Middle Eastern occupations and alliances with corrupt dictators which in turn cause the insurgence of theocratic regimes like Iran’s Islamic Revolution and al-Qaida in Iraq, just as Rome’s occupations and alliance with King Herod brought about the brutal insurgence of Sicarii assassins, symbolized in the gospels by Judas “Iscariot.”

Classic liberals were most inspired by Cicero. Anti-war Libertarians identify themselves with Cato, as in the Cato Institute, whose motto is: “Individual liberty, Free Markets, and Peace.” Marx sympathized most with Spartacus. And the original godfather of neo-conservatism, Irving Kristol — father of Bill “Crystal Ball” Kristol — complained that conservatism “is so influenced by business culture and by business modes of thinking that it lacks any political imagination, which has always been, I have to say, a property of the Left…. What’s the point of being the greatest, most powerful nation in the world and not having an imperial role? It’s unheard of in human history.” Clearly, Kristol and the Neo-Cons are for Caesar.

Rome also partly inspired the “Evil Empire” in Star Wars which you reference in your sub-title, “The Evil Empire Strikes Back,” but George Lucas wrote Star Wars in 1971 in reaction to Nixon and the Vietnam War. Star Wars Episode III, chronicling the decay of the Republic into the Empire, was written with the Bush Administration in mind, with Darth Vader’s quote “If you’re not with me, you’re my enemy,” being an obvious jab at Bush’s “Either you are with us or with the terrorists.” Lucas himself said Star Wars is a wakeup call to Americans about the erosion of democratic freedoms under George W. Bush and identified Obama as a Jedi when testifying in front of the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet. Dick Cheney even referred to himself as the “Darth Vader of the Bush Administration,” and commented that his wife believed the role “humanized him.” Lynn Cheney even presented Jon Stewart with a Darth Vader figurine on-air in a full embrace of the caricature.

So, added all together, you have completely reversed the symbolism for Christianity, Satan, C.S. Lewis, the Roman Empire, and Star Wars without any acknowledgment or irony.

>In August 2009, the London Telegraph reported that NICE “intends to slash by 95 percent the number of steroid injections, such as cortisone, given to people who suffer severe and chronic back pain. This is, of course, the kind of rationing and degradation of care that is characteristic of socialized medicine. Similar provisions in the Democrat’s 2009 health care “reform” bill are what led Sarah Palin to brilliantly dub the envisioned “end of life” services “death panels,” to the fury and indignation of the Democrats. NICE, whether in C.S. Lewis or in modern reality, is a “death panel.”

She went a lot f[u]rther than that. She said, “And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s ‘death panel’ so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their ‘level of productivity in society,’ whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.” Politifact.com rated it “pants on fire” and it later won their “Lie of the Year” award.

>Unfortunately, there is no modern politician with the wisdom of Jefferson, the wolves are among us, and the teeth and claws are in us. These are the Democrats, supposedly the heirs of Jefferson’s own Party. It is their own party.

Before you go off claiming Jefferson for the Republicans, Jefferson said:

“Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: 1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. 2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depositary of the public interests. In every country these two parties exist, and in every one where they are free to think, speak, and write, they will declare themselves. Call them therefore liberals and serviles, Jacobins and ultras, Whigs and Tories, Republicans and Federalists, aristocrats and democrats, or by whatever name you please, they are the same parties still and pursue the same object. The last one of aristocrats and democrats is the true one expressing the essence of all.” –Thomas Jefferson to H. Lee, 1824

Jefferson’s fear that national banks would draw most of the money away from the workers and traders and into the higher finance classes came to fruition immediately preceding the Great Depression, the Panic of 1907, the Savings and Loan Crisis of the Reagan era, and now the Housing Loan crisis of the Bush era. But it’s the Republicans who thwart attempts at financial reform all the while blaming the entire crisis on the government shifting blame entirely to two private companies with government support.

>Libertarians: Ideological crackpots, tilting at windmills, who nevertheless are the most sensible people around — an appalling circumstance.

So both major American political parties are so terrible that even the crackpots are better off than them, but you’re the one who has the most “optimistic” conception of this country full of Three Terrible Parties?

>Republicans: Who think that it is more important to attack Charles Darwin than to enforce the Constitution or stand for principles that will make the Democrats and the media call them names.

If only they stood more for your principles of doing nothing but lowering taxes and hating Democrats, then you could switch parties.

>Democrats: Who hate almost everything about America, including the very ideas of limited government, individual rights, private property, self-defense, free enterprise, free speech, etc. A history of slavery, sexism, and homophobia naturally discredits everything about America and its history — but these are only minor idiosyncrasies in Islâmic fundamentalism, which of course is fully redeemed by its hatred of America (and, well, Jews). Any Democrats who do not agree with attitudes like these, it is time for you to get out of that Party. If you don’t believe that the Party involves attitudes like these, it is time to get wised up.

Summaries tend to provide a short form of what is better expressed throughout the body of the argument, yet in 13,400 words you were unable to get around to explaining why “the party of Wicca” is somehow also the party of Islamic fundamentalism. This makes about as much sense as Newt Gingrich proclaiming Democrats will lead us to “secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists…” Isn’t it Dick Armey who promoted the interests of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran? Isn’t it Obama who is shredding the Constitution in order to assassinate an American-born Islamic Fundamentalist?

Reading this article is actually quite sad. For many years I was a huge fan of your site for its historical pages, and I still consider your article on “Roman Decadence” to be one of the most interesting and entertaining articles I’ve read on the subject. But your politics has obviously been completely distorted by sanctioning yourself off into the closed information systems of Fox News and Conservative Radio. As conservative blogger and Bush speechwriter David Frum writes:

“Too often, conservatives dupe themselves. They wrap themselves in closed information systems based upon pretend information. In this closed information system, banks can collapse without injuring the rest of the economy, tax cuts always pay for themselves and Congressional earmarks cause the federal budget deficit. Even the market collapse has not shaken some conservatives out of their closed information system. It enfolded them more closely within it. This is how to understand the Glenn Beck phenomenon. Every day, Beck offers alternative knowledge — an alternative history of the United States and the world, an alternative system of economics, an alternative reality. As corporate profits soar, the closed information system insists that the free-enterprise system is under assault. As prices slump, we are warned of imminent hyperinflation. As black Americans are crushed under Depression-level unemployment, the administration’s policies are condemned by some conservatives as an outburst of Kenyan racial revenge against the white overlord.

Meanwhile, Republican officeholders who want to explain why they acted to prevent the collapse of the U.S. banking system can get no hearing from voters seized with certainty that a bank collapse would have done no harm to ordinary people. Support for TARP has become a career-ender for Republican incumbents, and we shall see what it does to Mitt Romney, the one national Republican figure who still defends TARP.

The same vulnerability to closed information systems exists on the liberal side of U.S. politics as well, of course. But the fact that my neighbor is blind in one eye is no excuse for blinding myself in both.”

It’s always a good idea to question old presumptions, as you did in the Roman Decadence article, but it’s another thing entirely to present yourself as an authority on economics when you don’t even know what the majority of economists believe, or an authority on climate science while demeaning the entire scientific community as being nothing but closet Communists, or an authority on Nietzsche when you completely dismiss the entirety of Nietzsche scholarship as a bunch of liberals projecting their own politics into the past.

On the one hand you criticize those who went into the humanities, as you chose to do, yet on the other hand you appear to think your philosophy degree makes you an expert in all fields, and your declarations that the entire problem lies in the fact that the universities throughout the nation have become safe-havens for Communistic propaganda would have appeared to be the ravings of the mentally ill even during the Red Scare, but today could easily be mistaken for a retro-generational parody. You do a fantastic job of creating an innovative archive out on a wonderfully-constructed and well-linked internet platform. Your confession towards your alienation towards fundamental precepts of Libertarianism and your acceptance of generic Neo-Con talking points, epitomized by a Christianized demonization of the Democratic Party coming from a non-Christian, proves that you have completely embraced the Right and have completely forfeited your status as Libertarian.