Morons Try to Disprove 180 Years of Science in 3 Pages or Less

It’s always funny when Cato Institute hacks try to act like they know something about climate science. Like in this article from the New York Post, Al Gore Makes Latest Global-Warming Whooper by Alan Reynolds:

Gore says, “The heavy snowfalls this month have been used as fodder for ridicule by those who argue that global warming is a myth, yet scientists have long pointed out that warmer global temperatures have been increasing the rate of evaporation from the oceans, putting significantly more moisture into the atmosphere — thus causing heavier downfalls of both rain and snow in particular regions, including the Northeastern United States.”

It’s an interesting theory, but where are the facts?

According to “State of the Climate” from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, “Global precipitation in 2009 was near the 1961-1990 average.” And there was certainly no pattern of increasing rain and snow on America’s East Coast during the post-1976 years, when NOAA says the globe began to heat up.

So what was it, exactly, that Gore’s nameless scientists “have long pointed out”? A 2008 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Climate Change and Water,” says climate models “project precipitation increases in high latitudes and part of the tropics.” In other areas, the IPCC reports only “substantial uncertainty in precipitation forecasts.”

In other words, the IPCC said that its models predicted some increases in rain or snow — not observed them. And only in high latitudes or the tropics, which hardly describes New York or Washington, DC.

If you take that last sentence and separate it from the rest of the article, Reynolds is right. Al Gore flubbed by saying the increased rain and snow was due to a predicted increase in evaporation when in fact that has only been predicted, not observed. The predictions aren’t based on nothing, though. Higher precipitation in warmer years is an established scientific fact, although detecting and analyzing global precipitation has been especially difficult: “None of the trend estimates for 1951–2005 are significant, with many discrepancies between data sets, demonstrating the difficulty of monitoring a quantity such as precipitation, which has large variability in both space and time.”

What Gore and Reyonds both get wrong is that the prediction is for the second half of the 21st century, not for 2010 or any specific year because, like the global temperature, the randomness of yearly variation is greater than any overall trend. That’s the difference between weather and climate. Weather deals with seasonal trends. Climate deals with 10 to 30-year trends. Like Gore said in his movie, you can’t point to Katrina and say global warming caused that particular hurricane, but you can say that global warming will increase the strength of future hurricanes like it. Not that it matters, but this was the fifth hottest winter ever recorded, not one of the coldest as the deniers like to believe. What really matters is that this is the hottest decade ever recorded.

The IPCC Third Assessment report says:

Based on global model simulations and for a wide range of scenarios, global average water vapour concentration and precipitation are projected to increase during the 21st century. By the second half of the 21st century, it is likely7 that precipitation will have increased over northern mid- to high latitudes and Antarctica in winter. At low latitudes there are both regional increases and decreases over land areas. Larger year to year variations in precipitation are very likely7 over most areas where an increase in mean precipitation is projected.

Reynolds continues on:

In fact, recent research actually contra dicts Gore’s claims about “significantly more water moisture in the atmosphere.”

In late January, Scientific American reported: “A mysterious drop in water vapor in the lower stratosphere might be slowing climate change,” and noted that “an apparent increase in water vapor in this region in the 1980s and 1990s exacerbated global warming.”

The new study came from a group of scientists, mainly from the NOAA lab in Boulder. The scientists found: “Stratospheric water-vapor concentrations decreased by about 10 percent after the year 2000 . . . This acted to slow the rate of increase in global surface temperature over 2000 to 2009 by about 25 percent.”

Specifically, the study found that water vapor rising from the tropics has been re duced, because it has gotten cooler there (another inconvenient truth). A Wall Street Journal headline summed it up: “Slowdown in Warming Linked to Water Vapor.”

Moisture in the lower stratosphere (about 8 miles above the earth’s surface) has been going down, not up.

Later, he says:

What the new research suggests is that changes in water vapor may well trump the ef fect of carbon dioxide (only a fraction of which is man-made) and methane (which has mysteriously slowed since about 1990).

Gee, it’s funny that when you click that link of Scientific American, you aren’t taken to the article in question but to a bunch of other New York Post articles that feature the name of the magazine in them. That’s helpful.

Well, no problem, I just pulled it up myself and was surprised that the article said nothing about the fact that their study had disproven earlier claims about increased precipitation due to Global Warming.

Well, maybe they are just trying to cover it up for them. Or maybe it’s the fact that the stratosphere contains only 1% of the earth’s water vapors. It’s the troposphere below the stratosphere that contains the other 99%.

So is that the best Alan Reynolds could have done? Well, I can’t say if Reynolds cherry-picked that article or if it just happens to be one of the few articles that he happened upon, but if he had, you know, bothered to actually search for the topic in Scientific American, he would have found this article:

What Does Winter Weather Reveal about Global Warming? No single weather event proves or disproves the fundamental science of climate change, but extreme weather is what scientists expect from global warming.

And this article….

Why Global Warming Can Mean Harsher Winter Weather: Scientists look at the big picture, not today’s weather, to see the impact of climate change

Oh, gee. So Scientific American actually believes in the conspiracy? I guess Reynolds and the guys from Cato can’t trust them any more. Or at least not until some other science article can be misconstrued to say something that it doesn’t.

As you can see this 2006 analysis, hot temperatures do mean more rain and snow:

Results for the November–December period showed that most of the United States had experienced 61%– 80% of the storms in warmer-than-normal years. Assessment of the January–February temperature conditions again showed that most of the United States had 71%–80% of their snowstorms in warmer-than-normal years. In the March–April season 61%–80% of all snowstorms in the central and southern United States had occurred in warmer-than-normal years…. Thus, these comparative results reveal that a future with wetter and warmer winters, which is one outcome expected (National Assessment Synthesis Team 2001), will bring more snowstorms than in 1901–2000. Agee (1991) found that long-term warming trends in the United States were associated with increasing cyclonic activity in North America, further indicating that a warmer future climate will generate more winter storms.

Okay, now let’s look at The Hidden Flaw in Greenhouse Theory, an article from the conservative internet publication, The American Thinker, and written by a former radioactive Chemist from the Inhofe 400 list, Alan Siddons:

Recently, I chanced upon an Atmospheric Science Educator Guide [PDF] published by NASA. Aimed at students in grades 5 through 8, it helps teachers explain how so-called “greenhouse gases” warm our planet Earth.

So he’s going to try to disprove the Greenhouse Theory by taking issue with the junior high school edition of NASA’s Educator Guide?

* Question: What is the relationship between light and heat?
* Answer: Things that are hot sometimes give off light. Things under a light source sometimes heat up.

Utterly false. Heated masses always emit light (infrared). Always. That’s a direct consequence of molecules in motion. And while it’s true that some substances may be transparent to infrared light, it doesn’t follow that they can’t be heated or, if heated, might not emit infrared. Yet NASA’s misleading formulation implies precisely that.

Is it really that “utterly”? When one uses the single word light, one typically assumes the person is talking about visible light. I mean, yeah, the book could have been more descriptive, but then again, it is a kid’s book. I can’t help but notice how Siddons is trying to hide the word “Infrared” in parentheses so that it doesn’t distract from the way he blasts away at this I guess somewhat official NASA publication with words like utterly and always.

So how does NASA go wrong? By consistently confusing light and heat, as you see in the illustration below, where infrared light is depicted as heat. Elsewhere, NASA expresses heat transfer in terms that pertain to radiant transfer alone:

Mixing up heat and infrared light is a common mistake, but the picture he refers to does not show heat coming from the sun but as being reflected back to the earth by greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse Gases

But a mixup like this raises a deeper question: Why does NASA go wrong? Because it has a flimsy yet lucrative theory to foist on the taxpaying public, that’s why. As the space agency explains in the Main Lesson Concept, the core idea of greenhouse theory is that downward radiation from greenhouse gases raises the earth’s surface temperature higher than solar heating can.

Siddons shouldn’t be so modest. To phrase it like that implies that global warming is being fostered on the unknowing public by NASA alone and not the National Academy of Science, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the American Geophysical Union, the American Institute of Physics, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the American Meteorological Society, the Royal Society of the United Kingdom, Canada, plus the Acadamies of every other major industrialized country.

To make this idea seem plausible, therefore, it’s crucial to fix people’s attention on the 1% of the atmosphere that can be heated by radiant transfer instead of the 99% and more that is heated by direct contact with the earth’s surface and then by convection. NASA is stacking the deck, you see. If they made it clear that every species of atmospheric gas gets heated mainly by conductive transfer, and that all heated bodies radiate light, then even a child could connect the dots: “Oh. So the whole atmosphere radiates heat to the earth and makes it warmer. All of the atmosphere is a greenhouse gas.”

Crash, boom, there goes the theory. And there goes the abundant funding that this fear-promoting “science” attracts so well. For what CO2 and water vapor emit is miniscule compared to the buzzing multitude of heated nitrogen, oxygen, and even argon, all of it radiating infrared, too. Keep in mind that thermal radiation from this forgotten 99% has never been proposed or imagined to increase the earth’s temperature, although by the theory’s very tenets, it should.

Utterly false. All molecules do not radiate heat equally. Carbon dioxide may be a trace gas but it absorbs strongly in the infrared and near-infrared. The greatest contributor to the greenhouse effect is not carbon dioxide but water vapor, as every model makes abundantly clear. The other three main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone, but clouds also have an effect.

The greenhouse effect is not some new hypothesis invented in the last couple of years. It was first discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824 and was first reliably experimented on in 1858 by John Tyndall, one year before Charles Darwin published his theory of natural selection in On the Origin of the Species. Tyndall also contributed to the study of diamagnetism, invented a better fireman’s respirator, helped confirm that ozone is an oxygen cluster, and helped provide further evidence against critics of germ theory by developing the process of sterilization called “Tyndallization.”

The greenhouse effect was first reported quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896 using the Stefan-Boltzmann law he formed the Arrhenius’ greenhouse law, which says: if the quantity of carbonic acid increases in geometric progression, the augmentation of the temperature will increase nearly in arithmetic progression. He was the first person to predict that emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels and other combustion processes would cause global warming.

Arrhenius estimated that halving of carbon dioxide would decrease temperatures by 4 – 5 °C and a doubling would cause a temperature rise of 5 – 6 °C. In his 1906 publication, Arrhenius adjusted the value downwards to 1.6 °C (including water vapor feedback: 2.1 °C). As of 2007, estimates from the IPCC say this value is likely to be between 2 and 4.5 °C.

Arrhenius believed that global warming would have a positive effect on the world, but he also expected carbon dioxide levels to rise at a rate given by emissions in his time. Since then, industrial carbon dioxide levels have risen at a much faster rate: Arrhenius expected a doubling of carbon dioxide to take about 3000 years, but it is now estimated in most scenarios to take about a century.

Proof of the Greenhouse Effect can be seen on Venus, where a dense atmosphere consists mainly of carbon dioxide and a small amount of nitrogen. This carbon-rich atmosphere, along with thick clouds of sulfur dioxide, generates the strongest greenhouse effect in the Solar System, creating surface temperatures over 460 °C (860 °F), hotter than Mercury’s maximum surface temperature of 420 °C, even though Venus is nearly twice Mercury’s distance from the Sun and thus receives only 25% of Mercury’s sunlight.

So once again, a simple bit of fact checking adds further evidence to the Dunning-Kruger study showing that incompetent people tend to have inflated self-assessments.

“Thus, the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others.” -Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

“The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.” -Bertrand Russell, 19th century philosopher

Kelley Ross and the “Post-Copernican Left”

Kelley Ross’s “Proceedings of the Friesian School” website probably has the most and the best historical content on the internet. Unfortunately, it’s also created by a hardline Neo-Con who thinks he’s a Libertarian. In Ross’ mind, everything that is bad comes from the left, even anti-science!

Although Anglo-American philosophy tended to worship at the feet of science, the drift of academia to the left has led to characteristically totalitarian political attacks on science itself. The “post-modern” move may even be called the “post-Copernican” move, where the “de-centering” of meaning and objectivity (giving new meaning to the word “obscurantism”), returns the “marginalized” literary critic or theorist to the Ptolemaic center of the universe, whence modern science, now demystified and unmasked as an instrument of Euro-centric oppression, had proudly thought to have dislodged an arrogant humanity. Where the arrogance has settled now is all too plain to those familiar with American academic life.

How many people on the Left really believe this? Lefties believing in a “post-Copernican” world where science is a “Euro-centric” invention of oppression is not an idea that has received any amount of traction by any stretch of the imagination. This has got to be the ultimate straw-man argument, especially since Ross doesn’t even believe the science of global warming.

Question: what is science? Who decides that evolution is real science and global warming is pseudo-science? Does every individual, whether they hold a degree in science or not, get to choose what the word means?

Ross attempts to act as if his Ph.D. in Philosophy gives him the authority to decide what is and what is not science yet he makes no attempt to explain how global warming has become accepted throughout the entire scientific community rather than just a crazy idea coming from a few liberal tree-hugging environmentalists. His global warming web page tries to blame most of it on Al Gore. In fact, there is no credited scientific organization on the entire planet that challenges the science, not even the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, which not too long ago gave Michael Crichton their yearly award in “Journalism”!

To give an idea how Ross categorizes the question of global warming in terms of the great minds debating the question, one only need look at the name of the html page his global warming essay appears on:

Ross doesn’t even attempt to hide the fact that he starts with the politics and works backwards from there. His anger towards the Left is evident in the way he accuses *them*, not the scientific community(!), of “inventing something else” if it wasn’t global warming.

The financial pressure to maintain the status quo hardly needs an explanation, but does Ross really believe that people on the Left hate their country or the rich or whatever so much they just somehow convinced everyone except a few “true science-followers” into this Green conspiracy? The money trail from oil companies to anti-climate change astroturf organizations is clear enough for anyone with a computer to see yet there is not one financial link that can be found connecting clean energy to climate scientists. A conspiracy like this would have to be over 100 times larger than the “9/11 Truther” conspiracy with large sums of bribe money needed, and yet not a single financial connection between the liberal politics and the climate science can be found.

Ross’ “crichton.html” webpage on climate change is especially lame. The guy has the best website on the planet. Seriously, the maps of the pyramids he has posted are awesome and his work on the historical obscurity of the Eastern Roman Empire being caused by a pro-Italian bias is pure genius. But like setting loose the child with crayons upon the Mona Lisa, a perfectly good website is ruined by right-wing idiocy.

Ross just does not seem to understand that some 15 loose, incomprehensible, and extremely unscientific pages worth of content on “Unstoppable Global Warming” (one-third of which concentrates on a science fiction author) does not compare to the thousands upon thousands of pages of peer-reviewed research from actual scientists in countries throughout the world working on many independent lines of evidence. You might as well try to disprove evolution by writing about the volcano theories of L. Ron Hubbard on a cocktail napkin, which, come to think of it, isn’t far from how supply-side economics was invented.

Can you really be on the side that says scientists, not fossil fuel industries, are deluding the entire world and at the same time say it’s the Left who is covering up science with ideology? Isn’t it just a little disconcerting that the top guys fighting Climate Change science today is an English Lord with a Classics degree and a Creationist Senator who belongs to a Fundamentalist Christian organization linked to the C-Street sex scandals? If he really thinks science can be bought so easily, then he should at least admit to being somewhat “anti-science” himself, at least as far as the current official stance is in relation to the truth. The Right can’t even buy their own climate scientists. Was it a mistake of history that the entire world body of climate science ended up on the Left despite the Left’s “post-Copernician” hatred towards their profession? Is there another example in history in which the science got it wrong and traditional beliefs got it right? The funny thing about Neo-Cons is that, unlike their fathers, they finally admitted that the Left was correct about evolution, but they still don’t know why.

The theory that massive amounts of carbon inserted into the atmosphere causes global warming is over 100 years old. Congress was warned about this from James Hansen of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies over 20 years ago. They have been proven by the hottest decade on record, the melting icecaps, the forest fires in California, the desertification of Australia, etc., etc., etc., all of which either follows or surpasses the worse-case scenerios predicted by the much-despised IPCC. Stephen Hawking, who some consider to be the smartest physicist in the world, ranks climate change along side the proliferation of nuclear weapons as one of the greatest threats to the future of the world. And once again, every accredited science organization on the planet says the “alarmists” are right. If you are going to present yourself as unbiased, you need to at least admit to some kind of even-handed criteria to which you would take the other side. What exactly do climate scientists need to present to accept their occupation as belonging to the realm of science instead of being a world-wide conspiracy theory?

Ross’ online shrine to Ayn Rand lists a compendium of “communist bullet points” appearing alongside red-colored rats, associating things like “child protective services,” “urban planning,” the “minimum wage” and “community service” with Communism, not a few inches away from the bust of Che Guevera himself. Next in the line are the green rats which he describes as being like watermelons: green on the outside, but red on the inside.

Finally, the black rats:  “relativism”, “nihilism”, and “ignorance”, which he associates with the post-Modern Marxists who seem to have completely taken over the vast majority of state universities without anyone realizing it:

Considering the millions murdered, tortured, enslaved, and impoverished by Marxists in the 20th Century, one would have to consider continued true believers [of “critical theory”] among the most uncritical people, let alone the most naive or dishonest, in intellectual history — a description that is sadly all too applicable to much academic culture in the United States, where Marxist doctrine and Leninist behavior are alive and well.

Even his views on philosophy are tainted by the anti-Leftist chip on his shoulder. Like, for one, he argues that: “Trendy intellectuals, however, would never want to admit that Nazi anti-Semitism owed any genuine, rather than merely a confused and misrepresented, debt to Nietzsche.” Maybe that’s because Nietzsche made numerous statements criticizing Anti-Semitism, Pan-Germanism, racism, and nationalism. Nietzsche even broke off all communication with his editor, his sister, and his good friend, the acclaimed German composer Richard Wagner, over their own Anti-Semitism. In Beyond Good and Evil, he criticized patriotism and advocated Europe unite peacefully. After his mental breakdown, he even wrote about fantasies in which he shot all the Anti-Semites. Nietzsche stopped writing after his mental breakdown but after his death, Nietzsche’s sister and her Nazi husband rewrote some of his unpublished writings and released it as a Nazi propaganda piece under the name The Will to Power, a concept Nietzsche wrote extensively about, but never in a nationalistic sense.

One might even be led to believe that Ross is making these accusations against Nietzsche as some kind of subconscious scapegoat for his own favorite philosopher. Ross admits that the philosopher of Kantian logic the website is named after, Jakob Friedrich Fries, was himself a German nationalist who wrote what Ross calls an “anti-Jewish tract.” Ross, however, fails to elaborate that a large part of that tract included the suggestion that Jews should be marked with a distinct sign so that they could be identified. Yet despite this, Ross actually tries to makes Fries out to be unfairly judged by historians, seemingly out of a Hegellian (yes, yet another competing German philosopher who Ross doesn’t like) bias:

In criticizing Fries, Shlomo Avineri (in Hegel’s Theory of the Modern State, Cambridge University Press, 1972, pp. 119-122), has correctly pointed out that German nationalism was already displaying some of its worst tendencies, including the book burning at the Wartburg Festival, and anti-Semitism — with Fries himself contributing an anti-Semitic tract. The horrifying overtones of this led Avineri to dismiss Fries and the Burschenschaften, not as “liberal, idealistic,” but as proto-Nazis; and he attributed the affinity between them all to the subjectivism and irrationality of Fries’ thought. This repetition of Hegel’s own charge, however, is nonsense.

Yes, how ridiculous that Fries should be called a proto-Nazi just because he was a right-wing nationalist who believed the Jews needed to wear signs to identify themselves just like the Nazis did.

One of Fries’ own students, Karl Sand, assassinated a German dramatist who spoke out against the Anti-Semitism of student nationalists. When the daughter of the dramatist caught Sand in the act, the assassin actually stabbed himself in remorse, but later recovered only to be executed for murder. A note from Fries warning Sand not to get involved with secret societies led the authorities to accuse Fries of complicity and he lost his philosophy teaching position only to teach math and physics elsewhere. Ross tries to claim that Fries’ Anti-Semtitism was no different than any of other liberal philosophers of the time, but to defend him while castigating Nietzsche is completely hypocritical.

By the way, the name of that tract that Fries wrote? “On the Danger of Well-Bring and Character of the Germans Presented by the Jews”. It starts off saying:

For about forty years now the Prussian scholars, in particular, have defended the Jews in face of the antipathy shown them by the common people. Some where motivated by friendship… positive forms of religion… still others, because they had become dependent on the rich, individual Jews….

The idea that the Jews were excessively oppressed in civic matters derives from this [erroneous belief that the Jews were treated with blind hatred]. If they were only to receive more civic rights, it is held, they would thus improve themselves. Ruehs has clearly shown that the opposite is true by using examples from history. Both in Germany and abroad the Jews have dwelt in free states where they enjoyed every right, and even countries where they reigned–but their sordidness, their mania for deceitful, second-hand dealing always remained the same. They shy away from industrious occupations not because they are hindered from pursuing them but simply because they do not want to.

Not exactly the kind of guy I would want to name my philosophy website after.

Misrepresenting Climate Change Economic Studies

“H.R. 2454 American Clean Energy and Security Act threatens the United States $14.4 trillion economy, measured by GDP, which is the largest national economy of the world. Of this amount, 7.5 percent ($1 trillion) of the US economy is attributed to by the oil and natural gas industry. To give you an idea of how the United States derives it source of energy, the below outlines the division of the energy industry:

* 40% from petroleum
* 23% from coal
* 23% from natural gas
* 7.4% from nuclear power
* 6.6% from renewable energy

Affect on Employment
The oil and natural gas industry alone represents 63% of US energy production and supplies the US economy with over nine million jobs to Americans. However, according to the Brookings study, H.R. 2454 would cause a 15% decline in refining employment and a 35% drop in crude oil employment1. Buttressing Brookings Study, the National Black Chamber of Commerce found that a net 2.5 million jobs will be lost after accounting for the new green jobs being created.

Affect on Individual Finances
According to the Heritage foundation, the Waxman-Markey (H.R. 2454) would cost the economy $161 billion in 2020; which equates to about $1,900 for a family of four. As the emissions limits decrease, the costs rises to $6,800 per family by 2035. In today’s terms, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the net present value of the bill would equate to approximately $12,000. Another way of stating the above statistics to more practical terms; the Congressional Budget office states that H.R. 2454 would add up to 77 cents per gallon of gasoline, while the Heritage Foundation has a more conservative analysis of gasoline prices rising by more then 74% by 2035.”

-Heriberto Latigo, Houston Personal Finance Examiner


Heriberto Latigo makes it sound like the Brookings Study is on this particular bill and that the analysis is meant as evidence against the move. Actually, if you click on the first link in his Bibliography, the Brooking Report which he claims to be getting his information about the bill from and you’ll see this:

* Not an analysis of particular bills
*Not a cost?benefit analysis
» Looking only at mitigation costs and emissions
* Looking for ways to pursue environmental goals at lower cost

So that tells you right off that the study isn’t what he makes it out to be. However, a fact sheet reveals that the current bill is “consistent” with some of the emission paths the study looks at. Here are the key findings:

The study estimates that alternative paths to reach an emission reduction target of 83% below 2005 levels by 2050 will:

• reduce cumulative U.S. emissions by 38% to 49%, about 110 to 140 billion metric tons CO2
• reduce total personal consumption by 0.3% to 0.5%, or about $1 to $2 trillion in discounted present
value from 2010 to 2050
• reduce the level of U.S. GDP by around 2.5% relative to what it otherwise would have been in 2050
• reduce employment levels by 0.5% in the first decade, with large differences across sectors
• create an annual value of emission allowances peaking at around $300 billion by 2030, and a total value
of about $9 trillion from 2012 to 2050

Below is a picture showing the huge impact that the bill will have on our economy. You need a magnifying glass just to see the differences in 2050.

Brookings Study Graph

But Heriberto Latigo isn’t the only one trying to misrepresent that report, as you can see here:

And what’s the second source he claims “buttresses the Brookings Report”? The National Black Chamebr of Commerce. Just put that into Wikipedia and you see that they are sponsored by:

* Tobacco Company Altria. NBCC has opposed tobacco control legislation.
* ExxonMobil has provided $225,000, per a Greenpeace analysis titled ExxonMobil’s Continued Funding of Global Warming Denial Industry[1]
* AT&T and Verizon. NBCC has opposed Network Neutrality, a position strongly held by AT&T and Verizon.
* Comcast. NBCC has opposed A La Carte pricing, a position strongly held by Comcast.

And what are their other positions on legislation?

* In testimony submitted to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions regarding Senate Bill S.625, the NBCC stated that it opposes increased Food and Drug Administration regulation of tobacco. The reason for its opposition is that the regulation would impose fees affecting small tobacco retailing and distribution businesses in the U.S., many of which are owned by Black Americans.[2] The statement contained no reference to health risks associated with using tobacco products.
* The NBCC indicated that the Microsoft settlement was inadequate in terms of consumer protection and that additional remedies were required

And what’s source #3? An oldie but a goodie. The Heritage Foundation. A conservtive think tank that uses the supply side business model of Reagan and Bush II. Here’s one of their key strengths according to Wikipedia:

“Heritage’s influence is also due in part to its decision to publish shorter policy papers that are designed to convey usually complex topics in an executive summary format more likely to be read by governmental officials. Other Washington think tanks historically have produced lengthier publications or book-length works, which Heritage also publishes, but only rarely.”

So that’s why they’re so much more popular than the American Enterprise Institute and other right-wing think tanks. They publish “Far Right-Wing Ideology for Dummies.”

Do You Want to Live on Mars?

Bill Maher’s New Rules for 10/02

Dust Storm in Australia Turns the Sky Black in One Minute

Poll: Americans See a Climate Problem,8599,1176967,00.html

Fair Carbon Means No Carbon for Rich Countires

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Ocean Acidification: Climate Change’s Evil Twin

Ocean Acidification: Climate Change’s Evil Twin

“People might be surprised to learn that greenhouse gases (and in particular, carbon dioxide) are also altering the ocean and pose an independent and equally serious threat to marine life. In fact this change, making the oceans more acidic, is a direct threat to the survival of lobsters, oysters and other marine animals that are an essential element in the life and culture of New England…. When carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater, it forms carbonic acid. According to the UN, the ocean has become 30% more acidic since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.”

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Poll shows support for energy bill

“Further, 60 percent of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for their senator if he or she supported the bill while just 26 percent said they’d be less inclined to re-elect their senator for backing the “American Clean Energy and Security Act.”