Steve Milloy is an Evil Motherfucker

So someone decided to email me a book description of Green Hell by Steve Milloy because someone posted it as a reply to an article about the White House climate plans cost.

So who is Steve Milloy? Steve Milloy is one of the most evil motherfuckers on the face of the planet. He’s a corporate hack for the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which funds his website, which of course is not accredited by any science organization in the world. His career was started in 1993 when Philip Morris created a phony citizens group to discredit EPA research showing the dangers of second-hand smoke, the Orwellian-named, “the Advancement of Sound Science Coalition.” Not only that, but he ALSO runs, which monitors and criticizes the corporate social responsibility movement — because if its one thing that’s brought about this financial crisis, it’s corporate social responsibility. But that’s not all. He ALSO campaigned on the 1972 ban on DDT by knowingly propagating the lie that millions would die from malaria despite the fact that it was only a nationwide ban. Don’t think he’s an evil motherfucker yet? Well he also blamed the Twin Towers falling on a ban on asbestos fireproofing. Are his deeds not yet vile enough that they should be compared to Oedipal psychosis? Well, he also runs the Free Enterprise Action Fund, which — get this — criticizes companies like Microsoft, General Electric, and even Business Roundtable (a pro-business organization of CEOs) for VOLUNTARILY adopting higher environmental standards. Well, you might say, at least it’s still legal, right? Actually, Slate magazine has done a report on how the “mutual fund” is really a lobbying enterprise set up to “broadcast their views on corporate governance, global warming, and a host of other issues.”

With a history like that of Steve Milloy, it’s a wonder if the dirty energy lobbyists hired him due to his proven track record of propagandizing abilities distinguished by a sizable death count.

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