The White Farmer’s Wife Conspiracy

This is getting ridiculous. So here’s the story:

1. Brietbart, the same guy who helped fake the ACORN controversy, makes up a fake race-bait controversy against some nobody in Obama’s Agriculture dept.

2. When the Secretary of Agricutlure Tom Vilsack finds out that she is going to talked abut on Glenn Beck’s show, he has a message sent asking her to resign.

3. FoxNews.Com runs story entitled “Caught on Tape: Obama Offical Discriminates Against White Farmer” claiming that “Days after the NAACP clashed with Tea Party members over allegations of racism, a video has surfaced showing an Agriculture Department official regaling an NAACP audience with a story about how she withheld help to a white farmer facing bankruptcy.”

4. At the same time O’Reilly calls for her dismissal on-air, an onscreen notice reveals that she has resigned.

5. The rest of video surfaces, proving she didn’t discriminate against the farmer’s wife. The farmer and his wife go on CNN to say they weren’t discriminated against.

6. Fox blames Obama for jumping to conclusions and claims that Sherrod “was forced to resign before anybody on Fox said a word about this.”

7. Breitbart goes on CNN and suggests the farmer and his wife are fakes.


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About Jeff Q

I live in New Orleans. I have a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in English Literature. My interests include ancient history, religion, mythology, philosophy, and fantasy/sci-fi. My Twitter handle is @Bahumuth.

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