Top Stories of 2010

Since Bryan at posted a “Clearance Sale” of research items he never got around to writing about, I decided to also clear out all the saved links in my “Favorites” that I never got around to. So here’s a ton of crazy stories from 2010 that happened to make the top of my news pile, only unlike Bryan, I’m not bothering to add any last-minute commentary:

General Politics

Obama Targets U.S. Citizen for Assassination

Did Nixon Try to Assassinate a Reporter?

Nigeria Drops Bribery Charges Against Cheney Following $250 Million Settlement

Jon Stewart Rips John McCain for Flip-Flopping on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Jon Stewart on 9/11 First Responders Bill (Part 1) (Part 2)

Jon Stewart Rally Beats Beck’s Rally

Singer James Blunt Says He Disobeyed Orders to Attack Russians in Kosovo

Amnesty International: Prosecute Bush for Admitted Waterboarding

Republican Runs Street People on Green Ticket

Wendell Potter Apologizes to Michael Moore For Helping Big Pharma Discredit “Sicko”

GOP Judges Ask Partisans to Stop Blocking Obama Judges

Christopher Hitchens: Why America Will Come to Regret the Craven Deal Obama is Offering Netanyahu

Number of Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Now Declining

GOP Wants to Stop Sarah Palin

Republican Running for Congress Escaped Court Martial for Killing Two Iraqis


Life’s Ingredients Found in Asteroid

New Arsenic-Based Life Form Discovered

Scientists Find ‘Liberal Gene’

Liberalism, Atheism, Male Sexual Exclusivity Linked to High IQ

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious

Politics and Eye Movement: Liberals Focus Their Attention on ‘Gaze Cues’ More Than Conservatives Do

Bee Brains Beat Computers on Mathematical “Traveling Salesman Problem”

Researchers Using Rat-Robot Hybrid to Design Better Brain Machine Interfaces

Kentucky ‘Creationist Theme Park’ Gets Preliminary OK for Tax Incentives

Is Believing in God Evolutionary Advantageous?

China Possibly Hijacked Internet in April

Money and Happiness: “High earners are generally more satisfied with their lives, it seems, but a person’s day-to-day emotional wellbeing is only influenced by money up to a certain point”

Cracked: 5 Reasons the Future Will Be Ruled by B.S.

Top 25 Tech Fails of the Year

Global Warming

2010 Hottest Year on Record

WikiLeaks: Hackers Tried to Infiltrate U.S. Climate Negotiators

Islands Fear End of History Due to Climate Changes

U.N. Says World ‘Dangerously Close’ to Food Crisis

Study Says Climate Change to Cause Extreme World Drought

Huge Iceberg Breaks Away; Antarctic Ice Shelf ‘Hangs on a Thread’

How the Senate and the White House Missed Their Best Chance to Deal with Climate Change

Russian Heat Wave Kills 15,000 and Cost $15 Billion

New Scientist: Is Climate Change Burning Russia?

Joe Romm: “Climate Experts Agree: Global Warming Caused Unprecedented Russian Heat Wave”

New Scientist: Rate of Ocean Warming Underestimated

Clouds Cause Amplified Feedback

Black Carbon Implicated in Climate Change

Ponzi Redux: Scientific American Asks “Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization?”

Study Finds Climate Change Played Major Role in Mass Extinction of Mammals 50,000 Years Ago

Global Warming Blamed for 40% Decline in the Ocean’s Phytoplankton

Third Inquiry Clears ‘Climategate’ Scientists (not including inquiries by Nature,,, Reuters, Associated Press, Time, etc.)

Republicans to Make Political Attack on EPA in 2011

Huckabee Denies He Supported Cap and Trade

Leaked Email Reveals Fox News Boss Bill Sammon Ordered Staff to Cast Doubt on Climate Science

Conservative Canadian Paper: “Bad Science: Global-Warming Deniers are a Liability to the Conservative Cause”

Gore Now Against Corn Subsidies

Montana’s Melting Glaciers: The Poster-Child for Climate Change

L.A. Hits Record 113 Degrees

Joe Romm: “Future generations are likely to view Obama’s choice of health care over energy and climate legislation as a blunder of historic proportions.”

Scientists Find “Net Present Value of Climate Change Impacts” of $1.24 QUADRILLION on Current Emissions Path

Forget Putting CO2 Under Rock—Let’s Turn It *Into* Rock

Melting Glaciers on Ellesmere Island Reveal Branches and Trunks From Millions of Years Ago, When the North was a Temperate Zone

Cracked: 6 Terrible Ideas That Science Says Will Save the Planet

Cracked: 5 Ways the World Could End (That You’d Never See Coming)


Fox Calls for Repeal of the 20th Century — 13 Achievements Conservatives Would Roll Back

Hannity Uses Deceptive Editing to Make Obama Say He Wants to Make Taxes Go Up

Glenn Beck Says to Leave Churches That Talk of “Social Justice”

Rush Limbaugh Attacks Darwin

Rush Limbaugh on Net Neutrality: ‘It’s Total Government Control Of The Internet’

Limbaugh Lied About Republicans Undermining the Kosovo War

Fox’s Napolitano joins 9-11 Truther Alex Jones to Push Anti-Government Conspiracy Theories

Tom DeLay GUILTY: Jury Convicts Republican In Money Laundering Trial

Why Do These Passages From Jonah Goldberg and Sarah Palin Sound So similar?

Right Wing Continues to Push the Socialist Pilgrims Myth

Eric Erickson: Give Me Inefficient Lighting or Give Me Death!

According to Conservapedia, E=mc2 a Liberal Conspiracy to Make People Believe Morality is Relative

Obama on American Exceptionalism Taken Out of Context

Glenn Beck Embraces Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theory About George Soros

Even a Cyanide Suicide Brings Terror Alert

Gingrich: Obama Wants Whitey’s Money

Gingrich’s GOPAC Rhetorical Handbook

Study on Why People Think Obama is a Muslim: “Careless or biased media outlets are largely responsible for the propagation of these falsehoods, which catch on like wildfire…”

The GOP’s New Fake Racial History Whitewashes the Southern Strategy

Bipartisan Agreement: Fox-hyped New Black Panthers Case is a Phony Scandal

Tea Party

“The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism” Daily Kos? Huffington Post? Try Veterans Today.

Citing “Mental Anguish,” Christine O’Donnell Sought $6.9 Million in Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against Conservative Group

O’Donnell Campaign Threatens to Sue Over Interview

Joe Miller Used Other Computers to Vote in Online Poll Then Lied About Misconduct

Climate Change Doubt Is Tea Party Article of Faith

Obama-as-Joker Picture Originated from Left-Leaning Palestinian

Republicans Will Require Every Bill to Cite Its Specific Constitutional Authority

Tea Party Took Over $1 Billion in Earmarks

Rand Paul Can’t Name Anything He Would Cut

Ohio Tea Party Survey to Candidates: “The regulation of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere should be left to God and not government and I oppose all measures of Cap and Trade as well as the teaching of global warming theory in our schools.”


A Child Soldier, Interrogated and Tried

Underwear Bomber Wouldn’t Have Brought Down Flight 253

Portrait of the Modern Terrorist as an Idiot

New Study Suggests Suicide Bombers Just Want to Commit Suicide

Kosovo Doves Denounced Iraq War Protest as “Anti-American”

Galbraith Fired for Exposing UN-Funds Used to Steal Afghan Election

Italy Increases Sentences for CIA Agents Convicted of Rendition

Obama Takes a Hard Line Against Leaks to Press

Barney Frank Finds a Trillion Dollars in Military Waste

Newly Declassified Documents Show Bush Administration Looked For Excuse To Start War In Iraq In Nov. 2001

Economic Crisis

Moodys May Lower U.S. Credit Rating Due to Tax Cut Package

Matt Taibbi: Courts Helping Screw Over Homeowners

More Inequal Distribution in U.S. Than in Banana Republics

If Democrats are the Big Spenders, Why do Republican States Get the Money?

Economists Call for Minimum Wage to Be Raised

Cox, Greenspan, Snow Agree: Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae Did Not Cause The Financial Crisis

Krugman: All Four Republicans on the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Voted to Exclude the Following Terms from the Report: “deregulation,” “shadow banking,” “interconnection,” and, yes, “Wall Street.”

GOP Chairman of House Finance: “Washington and the Regulators Are There to Serve the Banks”

Conservatives Touted Ireland for Austerity Before Bankruptcy

Krugman: Free-Market Fundamentalists Have Been as Wrong about Events Abroad as They Have About Events in America

Republicans Defund Financial Reform

Media Matters: Myths and Falsehoods About the Purported Link Between Affordable Housing Initiatives and the Financial Crisis

Study Shows Racial Predatory Loans Fueled U.S. Housing Crisis

How to End the Great Recession

CBO Finds Stimulus Boosted Economy

New Tax Rules: The Hidden Corporate Bailout

Forbes 400 Richest Americans in 2010 Total Worth was Up 8% to $1.37 Trillion, Well Out-Earning the 1% Rise in the S&P 500 Index Over the Same Period of Time

Boehner Concedes Only 3% of Small Businesses Affected by Extending Tax Cuts (After McConnell Says It Was Half)

Politifact: The Federal Gas Tax Has Not Raised Since 1993

U.S. Poverty on Track to Post Record Gain in 2009

Roger Rajan Says Income Equality Will Hinder Growth

Can Liberalism Save Capitalism from Conservatism?

George W. Bush Reveals His Biggest Failure Was Not Privatizing Social Security

How Big Is the Chinese Property Bubble?

What Good Is Wall Street? Much of What Investment Bankers Do is Socially Worthless

Wall Street Whines About Obama Being Mean to Them Despite Tax Cuts

Politifact: Top 5 Falsehoods About the Bush Tax Cut

Crooks and Liars: 10 Epic Failures of the Bush Tax Cuts

Bailed Out Citigroup Donates to Chamber of Commerce

Economic Adviser for Bush Says Inflation is Good Right Now

Krugman on Inflation and the Gold Standard

Deficit Watchdog: If Congress Zeroed Out Domestic Spending, Excluding SS and Medicare, the Deficit Would Still Be $668 Billion in 10 Years

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