Psychoanalyzing Stupidity

So more news on the Cordoba Islamic Center in New York:

Turns out that the Cordoba imam Feisal Abdul Rauf worked with both the FBI and the Bush White House in an outreach program. The program, of which Rauf was only one of some 50 projects, sought to “bring a moderate perspective” to foreign audiences about Muslims living in the United States. The effects were so positive the Bush State Dept. requested the program be expanded in 2003. The imam even wrote a book called “What is Right With Islam is What is Right With America.” You’d think since the conservative media is always claiming they’re “looking” for moderate Muslims but can never find any, that he might have been good example to feature for their audience.

Instead, the Conservative media is lying about his beliefs, calling him a radical, and are characterizing another trip scheduled for the imam as an idea cooked up by Obama so that the imam can raise funds to build the “Ground Zero Mosque.” Never mind the fact that program strictly forbade raising any money for alternative means. One might ask Bill Kristol if he thinks Rauf is such a radical, why didn’t he bring up this problem when the imam was working for Bush? If it’s the proximety to Ground Zero, why not bring up the fact that Muslim services are given every week at the nondenominational chapel right on Ground Zero? To ask it is to answer it. This “issue,” which some Conservatives have been trying to press since April, would never have existed under the Bush presidency. But now that it does exist the right-wing noise machine is going to stoke the flames as much as possible. Here’s the latest reactions to the fake controversy:

Christian Conseravtive Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association, an invited speaker at the Values Voter Summit next month along with Michele Bachmann, Mitch McConnell, Newt Gingrich and Bobby Jindal, says that “Permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America” because “each Islamic mosque is dedicated to the overthrow of the American government.” No doubt if he had lived in Rome he would have called for all Christian churches to be banned because of what some Jews did protesting Roman interference in Israel.

Obama at first defended the Islamic Center but then walked back the statements by saying he wasn’t commenting on the “wisdom” of it. Jon Stewart did a pretty good job lambasting him for that as well as calling out Beck for his hypocritical attacks on the imam behind it. As Michael Gerson points out, “Obama managed to collect all the political damage for taking an unpopular stand without gaining credit for political courage.”

Compare this to Joe Scarborough, who has valiantly taken on his own party for this, saying he “prays to God” that another Republican “will have the courage to call Newt Gingrich out.” If only Obama had half the courage as Scarborough.

Fareed Zakaria returned the award given to him by the ADL for their wishy-washy response to the Cordoba Center. I think he should be commended for that.

Josh Barro points out that it makes little sense that Conservatives want the Burlington Coat Factor “preserved” while the government throws a ton of money at financing the redevelopment of the rest of it.

Howard Dean says that since the imam wants to help heal the nation, Dean wants to find a compromise in moving the Cardoba House. Bryan brilliantly tears it into pieces.

Former Bush advisor Mark McKinnon said: “Usually Republicans are forthright in defending the Constitution. And here we are, reinforcing al Qaeda’s message that we’re at war with Muslims. ”

Some people were actually surprised Pat Buchanan reprimanded Newt as a “political opportunist” and that anti-Muslim fervor has gone “too far” but I knew someone who tried to defend not entering World War II is not the kind of person who would sell out.

Andrew Sullivan called out Palin but that’s hardly news.

The Libertarian think tank CATO published a post linking several articles criticizing the GOP, but the article is gone today for some reason. However, Gene Healy dismisses the issue as a red herring, saying: “It’s a bogus issue seized by the GOP establishment to distract the rank-and-file from the party’s reluctance to shrink government.”

The conservative NewsBusters took the news that there are other mosques near Ground Zero to mean building an “additional mosque” (that is, a cultural center) is a “needless exercise in dividing New Yorkers.”

Erick Erickson, a Redstate journalist and CNN contributor, tweeted: “Paging the Church of Satan: Our founding principles demand Barack Obama support your rights to human sacrifice. Carry on.”

The right-wing group Stop Islamization of America has announced that it will be hosting a rally against the proposed Cordoba House Islamic community center on September 11, with confirmed speakers John Bolton, Andrew Breitbart, and, the far-right Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders. Newt Gingrich has reportedly bowed out.

Laura Ingraham, who recently got in trouble for discussing the word “nigger” on her radio show, decided that the building of the Islamic Center would mean “the terrorists win”:

There’s a disconnect, George, between the elites and the way they think about this, and, I think most New Yorkers, and most of the country. I know Michael Bloomberg was out there saying, “Well, our values need to be properly represented to the world, and if this mosque isn’t going to be built, what is that going to say? The terrorists win!” Well, I say the terrorists have won with how this has gone down. 600 feet from where thousands of our fellow Americans were incinerated in the name of political Islam, and we’re supposed to be cheering this?!

Yet she was actually had the imam’s wife on her show back in December. Not only did she not say anything against it, she actually backed the construction of the center!!! Here’s the quote:

I can’t find many people who really have a problem with it. [Mayor] Bloomberg is for it. Rabbis are saying they don’t have a problem with it. […] I like what you’re trying to do and Ms. Khan we appreciate it and come on my radio show some time.

Seems like the “disconnect” is really between the Laura Ingraham that wants to pretend she’s tolerant of other faiths and the Laura Ingraham that wants to jump on the Conservative bandwagon and bully innocent Muslims.

The controversy is getting so big, some Muslims outside the U.S. are beginning to take note of it.

A Time poll says that 61% of those polled oppossed the construction while 70% believes that building a mosque is an insult to the victims of 9/11.

This pretty much proves that people are stupid.

Maybe stupid is the wrong word. Bobby Fischer denied the Holocaust. So maybe crazy, but probably both.

Think I’m being insensitive? Well it also says 32% of Americans think Muslims should be barred from being president.

But, hey, that’s only 8% more than the percentage of people who think the current president is a Muslim. Those are just the crackpots.

Then explain why only 58% of people believe he was born in the United States while another 23% are unsure. Why did Hawaii have to enact a state law just so they could start ignoring the repeated demands for Obama’s birth certificate?

Tell me why 55% of likely voters think Obama is a Socialist, while only 39% think he is not.

Explain how almost half of Americans think Obama initiated TARP and the bailouts, with only a third knowing that it was Bush.

Well, you could say that that is all a product of a propaganda crusade. Roosevelt was also called a Communist. People will sometimes say things they don’t really believe to show support for the policies they support.

Okay, then explain why one in three Birthers actually supports Obama.

Tell me how tax bills for 2009 were the lowest in 60 years while only 12% of Americans know this and twice as many believe taxes have gone up.

Maybe people just pay more attention to politics than their checkbook.

All right. Then explain this one: 26% of Americans do not know what country we declared our independence from.

Yeah, we are THAT fucking stupid.

We have 18% of our older, whiter, richer, and more educated Americans trying to re-enact the Revolution and apparently some of them don’t even know what the original revolt was about.

But, admittedly, the majority of the truly stupid things are political. The polls get even worse when you look at Republicans alone. When we poll them we find that almost half are sure Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. (45%), that more than half believe Obama is a socialist (67%), that he wants to take away Americans’ guns (61%), is a Muslim (57%), has done “many” things that are not constitutional (55%), wants to turn the country over to a one world government (51%), that he’s a “domestic enemy” (45%), that he’s itching to “use an economic collapse or terrorist attack as an excuse to take dictatorial powers” (41%), yet at the same time “wants the terrorists to win” (22%), that he is “doing many of the things that Hitler did” (38%), and that he may be the Anti-Christ (24%).

Yeah, one in four Republicans are half-expecting Obama to call upon Satan to enslave the world and possibly re-enact some kind of Left Behind-style death and resurrection thing to fool the world into thinking he’s the Second Christ.

Even the conservative periodical Human Events did a piece pointing out that for a Socialist, Obama sure doesn’t have a lot of Socialist support. They even manage to print some rational quotes from the Socialist Party such as: “A socialist program (even a reformist one) would not be a program that props up capitalism when it fails, but one that transforms the economy. None of Senator Obama’s proposals do that. Senator Obama’s tax plan is regressive and even less ‘progressive’ than programs put forward under such conservative administrations like the one of Richard Nixon.” F.N. Brill, National Secretary of the World Socialist Party is quoted as saying, “Obama is as much a socialist as the Pope is an atheist.”

I think a big part of the problem is Liberals don’t like lying. Conservatives don’t care. It’s just about winning. They’ll throw anything and just hope it sticks. We’ve had a streak of fake conservative outrages now; where’s the fake liberal outrages? Democrats would probably do a lot better if they made up stuff like “birth certificate,” “death panels,” and “Ground Zero mosque” because buzz words like that get thrown around so much, people who aren’t interested in politics just start believing them because they hear them. Conservatives either say Obama is from Kenya or they simply say that it no longer resonates or that it was a “primary argument.” There’s not even a consideration about how there’s no facts behind it; it doesn’t matter. Truth is irrelevant. What’s relevant is if it sticks with the public.

A series of scientific studies have also shown how anxiety from the economic crisis is probably feeding this rash of xenophobia. NewScientist explains:

Across all studies, anxious conditions caused participants to become more eagerly engaged in their ideals and extreme in their religious convictions. In one study, mulling over a personal dilemma caused a general surge toward more idealistic personal goals. In another, struggling with a confusing mathematical passage caused a spike in radical religious extremes. In yet another, reflecting on relationship uncertainties caused the same religious zeal reaction.

Paul Krugman makes a similar explanation saying:

When the economy plunged into crisis, many observers – myself included – expected a political shift to the left. After all, the crisis made nonsense of the right’s markets-know-best, regulation-is-always-bad dogma. In retrospect, however, this was naive: Voters tend to react with their guts, not in response to analytical arguments – and in bad times, the gut reaction of many voters is to move right.

That’s the message of a recent paper by the economists Markus Bruckner and Hans Peter Gruner, who find a striking correlation between economic performance and political extremism in advanced nations: In both America and Europe, periods of low economic growth tend to be associated with a rising vote for right-wing and nationalist political parties. The rise of the tea party, in other words, was exactly what we should have expected in the wake of the economic crisis.

So I guess as long as this economic crisis, which was caused by rich bankers wanting to be even richer, we’re going to continue to see social issues get crazier and crazier, until even Democrats have to pretend to be tolerant of intolerance while enacting policies that increasingly makes rich people even richer because poor people are stressed out and easily manipulated into voting against their interests by social issues that don’t affect them.

This entry was posted in Politics, Religion by Jeff Q. Bookmark the permalink.

About Jeff Q

I live in New Orleans. I have a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in English Literature. My interests include ancient history, religion, mythology, philosophy, and fantasy/sci-fi. My Twitter handle is @Bahumuth.

6 thoughts on “Psychoanalyzing Stupidity

  1. I think maybe both liberals and conservatives lie, just that the liberals have to be more careful because their constituents will stop believing them if they figure it out.

  2. I think I’ve come to the conclusion that conservative media purposefully tries to induce hysteria on their consumers. To those of us who don’t pay attention to them all the time, it sounds simply insane (like Fox News on Mr. Rogers). But I guess they’ve conditioned the regular watchers long enough that while they may not fully buy it, they’ll believe the stuff that’s only 90% insane.

  3. I agree w/ Angelo. If people were saying the same things about Christians or even Jews, the media would be frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs. Islamaphobia is the new “acceptable” prejudice. Never mind that there is no ONE Islamic culture, that Muslims are found in almost every country and every culture in the world. The religion is the “same” in as much as it can be but the culture of, say, a Muslim in Africa will differ from a Muslim in America.

  4. Pingback: Political Rants » Taliban: “The more mosques you stop, the more jihadis we will get”

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