Palin Protests Rahm Calling Dem Plan “Retarded”

I thought it was supposed to be liberals who get obsessed over politically correct words.

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About Jeff Q

I live in New Orleans. I have a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in English Literature. My interests include ancient history, religion, mythology, philosophy, and fantasy/sci-fi. My Twitter handle is @Bahumuth.

3 thoughts on “Palin Protests Rahm Calling Dem Plan “Retarded”

  1. I can see her point though I shudder to admit I agree with anything she says, ever. Retarded *is* a derogatory term because it refers to a developmental disorder; it’s not like calling someone stupid, for example. There’s no genetic disorder leading to stupidity. While I don’t think people should get into a downright lather about it, I can see why this is felt to be offensive and a better word could have been chosen.

  2. I just said I can see her point, especially as Emanuel said it in a public sort of way. What she does in the confines of her home and family, despite my intense dislike for her and her rhetoric, are her business/problem. If she said it in public, that is a different thing entirely.

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