Frank Luntz

This is an article about Frank Luntz, a corporate and political consultant who has worked closely with the Republican Party and is selling a book called “Words That Work,” about controlling language. He is given the credit for inventing such paradoxical terms as “Death Tax” and “Healthy Forests Initiative.” According to his recommendations, “preemption” was changed to “principles of prevention and protection.” His advice on spinning global warming: “You need to continue to make the lack of scientific certainly a primary issue in the debate… The scientific debate is closing [against us] but is not yet closed. There is still an opportunity to challenge the science.” A lot of people have commented on his Orwellian approach that he calls “clarification.” Maybe he and David “Trickle-down is now called Supply-side” Stockman should get together and write a book called “Yes, We Are Teaching Republicans How to Lie to You and Then Selling You Our Gameplans.” (But I guess they’d have to do it by mail since Stockman was indicted for fraud last March.)

3 thoughts on “Frank Luntz

  1. I know… he’s actually a moderate. That’s exactly what’s so infuriating about him! He advised the Republicans to concentrate on the fact it wasn’t “proven” knowing that the the science was “closing” down on them!

  2. Pingback: Political Rants » A Taste of the Coming Global Holocaust

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