Drudging for Mud

The Drudge Report used to be the first news website I checked every day. I knew that it was done by a Conservative and a lot of Liberal sites didn’t like him, but the format was good and only once in a long while would I have a problem with how a linked story was framed by the title appearing on the site. I even read back then that there was some some study done that said that Drudge linked to more liberal-based news articles than conservative-based ones.

Then the 2008 election came. Around that time, MSNBC decided it would take on the mantle as the Obama channel by hiring Rachel Maddow and later Ed Shultz. But even though MSNBC is still slanted to the left, they calmed down some after the election (and unlike Fox, MSNBC continues to have some prominent conservatives like Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan). For example, all the MSNBC pundits blasted Obama’s BP disaster speech in a way Fox would never have done to Bush. And I still don’t think CNN is the “Clinton Network News”: Just because all Democrats are pussies does not mean all pussies are Democrats.

The Drudge Report has never really slowed down their campaign mode. They’re still in full attack mode, joining in this crazy mass delusion from the Conservatives that Obama is going to turn America into some totalitarian socialist distopia.

I replaced the Drudge Report with the Drudge Retort after the site took the plunge into crazyworld, but I decided to check it out yesterday, and here’s what I found:

1. The headline read “CAN THE GOV’T TELL YOU WHAT TO EAT?” with an extremely unflattering picture of Kagan. The link went to a YouTube video entitled “Kagan Declines To Say Gov’t Has No Power to Tell Americans What To Eat.” But then when you watch it, you see Republican Senator Tom Coburn brings up this ridiculous question about what if congress made a law where everyone had to eat 3 vegetables and 3 fruits a day, would she enforce the law. Kagan says she thinks the law sounds dumb but says that she doesn’t believe judges should strike down laws because they think they’re dumb. Then the crazy senator from Oklahoma jumps on her as if it was her idea, asking, “Do we have the power to tell people what to eat every day?!?” There is a slight pause in which she is taken aback and is trying to figure out how to respond to his stupidity before the crazy senator from Oklahoma jumps in to bash the expansion of the Commerce Clause. I suppose this slight pause is what the video’s titlemaker meant by “declines to say.” Is this really what he’s worried about, the Food Police? The funny thing is he originally framed the question as “What if ‘I’ created this stupid law?” and then jumps directly to “How dare you think congress should dictate what Americans should eat?!”

Ugly Kagan

2. The Drudge report also had a link titled “Obama refuses to talk about BP mess at ENERGY meeting…” that led to an article with the headline “GOP Sen To Obama: You Can’t Talk Energy Bill Without Talking BP” The opening sentence said: “In the wake of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama today summoned a bipartisan group of over 20 senators to the White House to push for energy and climate change legislation.” So it’s no wonder the Republican Senator wanted to change the subject.

3. Another title, “27 Indian troops die in Maoist rebel ambush” went to a tiny story that would never have been published if it didn’t have some Leftist buzzword to remind Conservatives of Obama’s Communications Director being a Maoist because she told that joke about a Maoist that she got from a Conservative.

4. A self-gratifying shot at the Daily Kos reads, “‘DAILY KOS’ ADMITS PUBLISHING FRAUDULENT POLLS…”, linking to a story titled: “Markos charges polling fraud.” Markos being Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos: he’s the one making the charges, not admitting to them. Here’s what Markos said about it: “I want to feel stupid for being defrauded, but fact is Research 2000 had a good reputation in political circles. Among its clients the last two years have been KCCI-TV in Iowa, WCAX-TV in Vermont, WISC-TV in Wisconsin, WKYT-TV in Kentucky, Lee Enterprises, the Concord Monitor, The Florida Times-Union, WSBT-TV/WISH-TV/WANE-TV in Indiana, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Bergen Record, and the Reno Gazette-Journal.”

5. Then there’s the Drudge title, “Gore Visits San Diego — Takes no questions, cameras ushered out…”, which leads to an article entitled: “Former Vice President Gore Visits San Diego” The part about the cameras being ushered out is in the middle of the story to explain that they got most of their information from people leaving the convention story, and the part about taking no questions is a short sentence appended to the very end of the story without any suggestion that a Q&A had been expected.

Another Conservative website, Flopping Aces, says Obama should resign for not meeting with the head of BP sooner. Does anyone know if anyone has even been fired from BP over what happened?

Also, I caught this on Keith Olbermann last night and thought it was pretty funny:


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About Jeff Q

I live in New Orleans. I have a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in English Literature. My interests include ancient history, religion, mythology, philosophy, and fantasy/sci-fi. My Twitter handle is @Bahumuth.

2 thoughts on “Drudging for Mud

  1. I watched the video of Kagan. While I agree with you that she didn’t agree with the crazy law by omission, I don’t think that Coburn was being particularly ridiculous either. He was bringing up a hypothetical question to illustrate a point about expanding the power of another law. Maybe his example was a bit silly, but I don’t think either of them showed anything frightening in that clip.

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