Anyone See a Connection?

Also, remember that hit job book “Unfit for Command”, associated with the Swift Boat Veterens for Truth, that published a bunch of lies about Kerry in the run up to the 2004 campaign? Well, one of the authors, Jerome Corsi, has a new book called “Obama Nation” which has already been criticized for its inaccuracies. He’s a conspiracy nut who believes in the 9/11 Truth Movement and the “North American currency union” conspiracy. You’d think someone who believed that 9/11 was an inside job would want the current political party out of office, but I guess when you hate liberals that much, you’d still rather have the people who killed 3000 New Yorkers running the country. Or maybe its seen as a positive since they’re a blue state.

Anyway, Corsi decided to promote his new book on the aptly named “Political Cesspool Radio Show”, which according to its “Statement of Principals”, “represent[s] a philosophy that is pro-White”. This was his 3rd appearance on the show. His 2nd appearance the month before was even streamed live to, a White Nationalist website that was founded by former Klu Klux Klan member Don “Please refer to me by my first name” Black for David Duke’s 1991 Senate campaign in Louisiana. So you know Corsi is in good company. The radio show statement also says it is against feminism and homosexuality and that “Secession is a right of all people and individuals. It was successful in 1776 and this show honors those who tried to make it successful in 1865.” The host James Edwards defines a holocaust denier as “someone who asks questions about WW II the ADL doesn’t want asked” and the co-host Winston Smith is quoted as asking:

“I ask you, who are the real racists? The white people, the European-Americans who say, ‘Hey, white people and black people cannot get along together. Let’s separate peaceably’? Or the people who say, ‘White people are unworthy to be included in the mass of humanity’?”

Yeah! Who are the real racists? The people who openly preach hatred towards blacks on the grounds that they’re racially inferior or white people who deny their humanity and want to commit suicide?

Besides Corsi, the show’s other guests included Holocaust denier Mark Weber and David Duke himself. During Corsi’s appearance on the show, an ad was run for the Council of Conservative Citizens, which was formed by leaders of the “White Citizens’ Council” and other assorted segregationists, and spoke out for those who are “concerned about illegal aliens swarming into this country” and “disgusted with militant homosexuals who pervert the institution of marriage and who are conspiring to indoctrinate schoolchildren with the queer agenda,” or have been “denied work because affirmative action programs give minorities jobs they don’t deserve.”

This is pretty much right up Corsi’s alley, since he’s been quoted as denigrating Islam (“a worthless, dangerous Satanic religion”) and Catholicism (“Boy buggering in both Islam and Catholicism is okay with the Pope as long as it isn’t reported by the liberal press”), and has tried to connect Kerry to Judaism (“After he married TerRAHsa, didn’t John Kerry begin practicing Judiasm? He also has paternal grandparents that were Jewish. What religion is John Kerry?”). As to the “FAT HOG” Hillary: “Anybody ask why HELLary couldn’t keep BJ Bill satisfied? Not lesbo or anything, is she?” So we have a distaste for Islam, Catholicism, Jews, and homosexuals. What other group of people hates these four groups?

He apologized on Larry King for these statements, but you can judge for yourself how sincere he was. This is pretty typical of Paleo-Conservatives, like “right-wing moderate” Pat Buchanan, who thinks blacks should be thanking whites for slavery:

“First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.”

Hey, if it wasn’t for whites enslaving the Africans, they would never have known that white people alone have the secret to eternal life. While we’re at it, maybe the Jews should start thanking Hitler because without him there would be no Israel.

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