Campaign Reruns

One of the things I hate about reading politics is that I have to deal with reruns:

HANNITY: Donald Trump has said where is the birth certificate? You said it is not an issue for you. You have no doubt whatsoever. … Why don’t they just produce the stupid thing and move on?

PAWLENTY: […] But on the other hand for me, the news reports from CNN and others have said they’ve seen the birth certificate.

HANNITY: Never trust CNN. … You don’t have a problem with people saying can we see it? Can you find it?

PAWLENTY: No, but it has been reported. You know, CNN, I watched it myself. CNN reported they saw the birth certificate. You got to either believe that they didn’t and they’re lying or there is something else going on.

HANNITY: It’s just something weird that they won’t release it and just get it over with. It seems to me because I don’t doubt it. I’m just — now it is getting strange that they don’t say here.

Three years later and Republicans are STILL bitching about Obama’s fucking birth certificate.

Of course, Obama DID produce the certificate but Fox News pundits realized if they just ignored it then their sheep will never find out about it. The Republican governor of Hawaii put out a news release that she has seen it, and when that was ignored, she backed a law to stop the millions of idiots who keep asking for it. took pictures of it and posted it to the website, and if that’s too hard to find a Google image search will bring it up.

It’s no wonder Democrats have been working on the “zombie lie” theme. Republicans just close their ears and pretend they don’t hear anything that contradicts them. Like “Climategate” proves global warming didn’t exist despite the fact that the sixth investigation — not including all the unofficial investigations done by fact-checkers and news agencies — this one led by Jim “Environmentalists are Nazis” Inhofe, has cleared the scientists of East Anglia.

Like the “Obama is a Socialist” lie. I’ve had to listen to this rerun for so long, I’m starting to hope they start calling him a Communist just to change things up.

Fox News executive Bill Sammon, the same guy who wrote notes telling the Fox “news” anchors to “refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question” and to always refer to Obama’s health care plan as “government-run health insurance” (despite the fact that it’s insurance-based) because that phrasing polls badly, has been caught yet again, this time admitting that all that stuff about Obama being a socialist was just a lie:

“At that time, I have to admit, that I went on TV on Fox News and publicly engaged in what I guess was some rather mischievous speculation about whether Barack Obama really advocated socialism, a premise that privately I found rather far-fetched.”

As Media Matters points out, he archestrated this theme on a lot of different “news” shows. Of course, now Sammon is trying to say that Obama eventually proved to be a socialist after all. So it wasn’t a lie, but pre-truth!

As Bryan from says: “Everyone knows what Fox is. Fox knows. Other news organizations know. The viewers know. But Fox is allowed to deny it, and it’s considered partisan and unfair for anyone to actually say it. Yet Sammon was admitting it two years ago, when he thought he was among friends and wasn’t going to get caught. And now, his only defense is that everyone sure was talking about Obama being a socialist after we kept saying he was a socialist, even though we knew he wasn’t a socialist.”

So, after finally being told that there actually IS a birth certificate, Trump went on O’Reilly’s show and said, “Bill, I grew up with Wall Street geniuses. What they do in terms of fraud, and how they change documents.”

Yeah, remember that next time a Right-winger starts going off about how the president and everyone they work with needs to have business experience. I guess in Trump’s screwed up mind, we NEED frauds who lie and cheat in order to run the country.

So this is the point where out hagiography of business has gotten us: Trump bragging about how he and his fellow “geniuses” make money through fraud. No union leader would need to be told that that is an incredibly stupid thing to say, but I guess people are now so biased for business that you don’t even need to pretend that there isn’t a lot of systemic corruption inherent in the corporate system. Trump probably thinks everyone is just jealous that they aren’t the ones commiting fraud.

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About Jeff Q

I live in New Orleans. I have a Bachelors in Computer Science and a Masters in English Literature. My interests include ancient history, religion, mythology, philosophy, and fantasy/sci-fi. My Twitter handle is @Bahumuth.

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